Intuitive Nutrition

Women all over the world want to stay slim and healthy for as long as possible. Exhausting herself with diets and workouts, everyone would like to hear the phrase: “you can eat everything and lose weight at the same time.” In 2014, readers were conquered by a book about intuitive nutrition from the author Svetlana Bronnikova, she talks about how to indulge in desserts and fried potatoes and at the same time stay slim, the book also includes the experience of introducing the principles of intuitive eating for people with obesity and disorders eating behavior. Not surprisingly, the book sold out in large numbers and became a bestseller for all slimming people!


What is Intuitive Nutrition? Intuitive Nutrition is an innovative approach to nutritional systems and dietetics. It is nutrition in which a person seeks to satisfy the needs of the body while respecting his physical hunger and not indulging emotional hunger.

Principles of Intuitive Nutrition

Intuitive eating is a very broad topic, but there are only ten basic principles. It is very difficult to introduce them into your life all at once, therefore experts recommend doing it gradually, without stress for the body and wisely.

  • Refusal of diets. This is the first and most basic principle. From now on and always, no diets! As a rule, diets lead to the desired result, but it is very, not long-term! The lost pounds will return as soon as you stop following your diet and bring your “friends” with you.
  • Respect your physical hunger. When switching to Intuitive Nutrition, you will have to learn to understand when you are really hungry and give your body the right amount of nutrients.
  • Power control call. You should forget all the rules that are known in modern dietetics. Stop counting calories, forget about no food after XNUMX pm.
  • Truce with food. You must understand that you always have the opportunity to have what you want.
  • Respect your sense of satiety. It is important to understand when you are full, and the most important thing is to stop eating at that moment, even if there is still food on the plate.
  • Satisfaction. Food is just food, it is not pleasure, but a physical need. It is important to be able to find joy in other things, not to perceive food as a reward or encouragement. You can enjoy your meal by savoring every bite of what you love.
  • Respect your feelings. In order to cope with overeating, sometimes it is enough to understand that it is normal to experience negative emotions! And it is not at all necessary to suppress pain, boredom or resentment with food. Food will not solve the problem, but will only aggravate it, and in the end you will fight the cause of negative emotions, and at the same time with extra pounds.
  • Respect your body. In order to get rid of stress, which is not compatible with intuitive eating, you need to learn to love and accept your body as it is, regardless of weight and age.
  • Sports and exercise are a way to get energy, to recharge with a positive, and not a way to burn calories. Change your attitude towards the gym, do not perceive sports as something compulsory.
  • Respect your health. Over time, every intuitive eater will learn to choose those foods that not only enjoy the taste, but are also good for the body.

Following these principles, the understanding will soon come that nature itself has laid down How long and what kind of food the body needs. Not a single signal and not a single desire arises from scratch. A person only needs to learn to listen to his body and distinguish between physical hunger and emotional hunger.

Physical and emotional hunger

Physical hunger is our body’s need for nutrients, when a person is very hungry, he is ready to eat anything, just to stop rumbling in his stomach.


Emotional hunger is characterized by the fact that a person wants something specific. For example, sweets, fried potatoes, chocolate. Emotional hunger arises in the head, and has nothing to do with the needs of the body, but is one of the most common causes of overeating.

It should be noted that intuitive eating means eating at the time of slight hunger, you should not wait for an attack of brutal appetite, because this leads to breakdowns and uncontrolled gluttony.


Mistakes when switching to Intuitive eating

The first and most common mistake in the transition to intuitive eating is that people interpret the principles of “IP” as permissiveness. And, really, if everything is possible at any time, why not eat a bar of chocolate, have a bite of French fries and drink cola, and then eat a full-fledged three-course dinner on a visit? After a month of such nutrition on the scales, of course, there will be a plus and not small! This approach is not intuitive eating – it is just self-indulgence and emotional hunger.

The second mistake: Sometimes it happens that a person with a rich dietary past, guided by the mind, offers his body a choice from the usual low-calorie foods. In this case, the body does not understand what it “wants”. Expand your food range, try new combinations, experiment, add spices to your food, so you don’t box your mind and make yourself more stress.


Mistake number three: Many people do not see the reasons why they overeat and cannot cope with emotional hunger. It is important to understand when you are really hungry and when you are just eating boredom or other mental discomfort. It is also important to deal with the causes of emotional hunger; sometimes, in especially severe cases, the help of a psychologist is needed.

Intuitive nutrition and insulin resistance

What about people with impaired glucose metabolism? The body asks for sweets, starch, baked goods, as a result of which there is an inevitable weight gain. Experts say that at the moment more and more people with type XNUMX diabetes practice mindful or intuitive eating. For such people, breakdowns for sweets become a huge problem, it is the conscious consumption of sweets that will help solve this issue, each diabetic has his own glycemic reaction and with the help of a glucometer the doctor can easily determine How long can be eaten without harm to health. A complete ban on sweets in any case will lead to a breakdown.


Intuitive eating is freedom

For many people, intuitive eating is a breakthrough in modern nutrition. Intuitive eating is not a diet or nutritional system, not a set of rules and norms that must be followed. This is work on oneself, which requires a lot of effort and time. It takes someone a year to build relationships with themselves, food, and their body, while others take five years. With the right approach, intuitive eating becomes easy and becomes a habit. You will stop wondering if you want a particular product and for what reason, you will learn to distinguish physical hunger from emotional hunger.

In order for the adaptation to intuitive eating to be successful and fast, many begin to keep diaries of sensations and work with a psychologist, because the problem of impulsive overeating is very acute in our age of food abundance.


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