In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) – Complementary approaches


Hypnotherapie, isoflavones de soy


Chaste Tree

Hypnotherapy. According to an Israeli study4, women treated with hypnotherapy would increase their chances of success when the embryo is implanted during in vitro fertilization treatment. According to the researchers, hypnotherapy would decrease stress and reduce uterine activity, thus improving the interaction between the embryo and the uterus, which would increase the chances of implantation of the embryo.

See the news article on Passeport Santé:

Isoflavones in soy. Based on the results of a double-blind trial5, soy isoflavones may increase the success rate of in vitro fertilization in infertile women. According to the Italian researchers, implantation of the embryo was more successful in women who took 1,5 g per day of soy isoflavones following egg retrieval, compared to those who took a placebo. Phytoestrogens act on the endometrium – the inner lining of the uterus – by promoting the implantation of the embryo. However, further studies are necessary before systematically integrating isoflavones into current in vitro fertilization protocols.

See news article on Passeport Santé:

Acupuncture. A meta-analysis, published in 2008, showed that pregnancy and birth rates were higher in women who used acupuncture when the embryo was transferred to the uterus. The study included 1366 women who had undertaken in vitro fertilization7. However, the effects of acupuncture on the success of in vitro fertilization treatments are still uncertain, since many studies have shown no benefit from these treatments.6,8.

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