I would like to register with a bone marrow donor bank, but I am afraid of taking a sample for registration with the bank

I would like to register with a bone marrow donor bank, but I am afraid of taking a sample for registration with the bank. What does this procedure look like?

Taking an antigenic sample for research in the case of bone marrow donors involves either taking a small amount of blood or a swab from the oral mucosa – the swab can be taken even by yourself, registering as a donor by post, after contacting the bone marrow donor center. The first involves a slight prickle. The second is completely painless. Nobody should have any concerns as we are not talking about invasive procedures.

The bone marrow itself may be separated by separating hematopoietic cells from the peripheral blood. It is a painless procedure lasting several hours. It is not strenuous for the body and patients usually go home the same day. If only the bone marrow is collected, general anesthesia is required. Then the plate of the iliac is punctured – not the spine, as you sometimes hear. It can therefore be said that, apart from the simple pricking of the needle, the patient does not feel any pain.

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