I eat what to have beautiful hair

Top hair: the right foods to put on your plate

The other morning, panic in the bathroom, discovering a handful of hair on the brush. Rest assured, losing a few is perfectly normal. 30 to 60 hairs fall naturally every day and more grow back. But sometimes the fall is impressive. The responsibles ? Seasonal changes, severe fatigue, unbalanced diet, lack of iron or zinc, lazy thyroid …

There are times in life that are more prone to hair loss

After pregnancy, for example, because the protective effect of hormones that gave shine and vigor to the hair, disappears three or four months after childbirth. Likewise, a diet too rich in fats, sugars or alcohol leads to an excess of sebum secretion, which makes the scalp more oily, decreases microcirculation and hinders hair growth. In short, our hair is put to the test on a daily basis! The right reflex in the event of a significant fall: consult immediately because “it is a warning which indicates that the organism is lacking of something”, specifies Dr Laurence Benedetti *, micronutritionist. Acting early also helps limit damage. The plan of attack: no doubt to carry out a blood test. Then take supplements in the form of capsules and / or lotion to stimulate microcirculation at the cranial level and boost regrowth. But not only. In addition to good beauty gestures to strengthen your hair, you should also bet on certain friendly foods. We tell you which ones!

Wheat germs

Packed with B vitamins and zinc, wheat germ promotes hair growth and helps cleanse the scalp by limiting sebum production. Bonus, it makes a rejuvenating effect for our nails which come out quite strengthened. To sprinkle without moderation on salads, pasta …

Meat, fish and egg

Even though they are often criticized, animal proteins are essential for shiny and strong hair! Their strengths: amino acids which are essential for the production of keratin, the main component of hair. The right thing to do: put 150 to 200 g of meat or fish on the menu per day. As for eggs, they also contain amino acids, B vitamins and zinc, which are essential for the regeneration of hair cells. So, we opt for a healthy breakfast with a boiled egg every 2 days.

Whole grains

Pasta, rice, bread… are to be preferred in full version to make the most of their nutritional qualities: B vitamins and zinc in the lead.

Dried fruits

Apricots, raisins, dried prunes provide minerals such as potassium, magnesium and calcium, which give vitality to the hair. In addition, they have an alkalizing power. Clearly, they allow the body to better benefit from the minerals provided by food. Unlike a diet that is too acidic (rich in sodas, fats, sugars, etc.), which accelerates the elimination of minerals. On the menu: a small handful of dried fruits for afternoon tea, but no more, because they are high in calories.

Veal liver

We already see you pulling a face, but this food is super high in iron. However, iron makes it possible to optimize the supply of oxygen in the body. If you have a deficiency, oxygenation of the scalp is less well. Results: The hair is dull and falls out more. The right resolution: eat liver every week except during pregnancy, because it is rich in vitamin A, which can cause fetal malformations. During this period, it is better to limit it to once a month.

Vegetal oils

No, they are not the enemies of our silhouette! Consumed in moderation, they have many advantages, including essential fatty acids (omega 3 and 6) which strengthen cell membranes and regulate sebum secretions. The daily dose: 2 tbsp. tablespoons of olive, rapeseed or walnut oil. Borage and evening primrose oils are rich in omega 6.


This mineral helps in the proper functioning of the thyroid, which is essential for beautiful hair. To consume enough: choose iodized table salt, and eat shellfish regularly. Another option: put seaweed on the plate. It’s so good ! We find in organic stores, preparations to sprinkle on salads. Or seaweed tartars to spread on toast for an iodized aperitif.


These small berries, very rich in vitamin C, are a valuable ally in protecting cells – including those of the hair – from free radicals. In addition, blueberries boost the blood microcirculation, which helps to have good irrigation of the scalp and promotes the delivery of nutrients to the root. To add in fruit salads or as a coulis on white cheese.

* More info on the (MEI) website.

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