
General description of the disease

This is a disease in which the renal pelvis and calyx are significantly stretched. This expansion occurs due to a violation of the process of outflow of urine, which increases the pressure in the renal pelvic-cup system. This increased hydrostatic pressure compresses the vessels, disrupting the normal nutrition of the kidney, provoking atrophy of its tissues. As a result of all this, the entire work of the genitourinary system is disrupted.

Basically, hydronephrosis affects only one kidney. Most often, this disease occurs in young women. Regarding the sides of the lesion, the cases of hydronephrosis of the right or left kidney are approximately the same.

Types and causes of the development of hydronephrosis

By its origin, hydronephrosis can be congenital or acquired.

Hydronephrosis congenital type occurs due to various abnormalities in the development of the ureters or kidneys. Such anomalies include incorrect congenital placement of the renal arteries with their branches (they compress the ureter); dysfunction of the pathways that excrete urine; narrowing (stricture) of the valves of the ureters and overlapping (obstruction) of the urinary tract of a congenital nature; the ureter is located behind the vena cava. Also, the reasons for the development of congenital hydronephrosis include abnormal conditions of the mother during pregnancy (taking certain medications, exacerbating diseases of a chronic nature, transferring diseases of a viral or bacterial origin).

Hydronephrosis acquired type develops in the presence of urological diseases. This includes urolithiasis; tumors of the urinary tract, ovaries, prostate, uterus and cervix; spinal cord injuries, which led to reflex disorders of urine output; inflammatory processes in the genitourinary system; narrowing of the urinary tract caused by scarring after an injury; metastases in the pelvic organs or in the retroperitoneal space.

Depending on the location of the obstacles to urine output, 5 groups of disorders are distinguished, which:

  1. 1 are in the urethra or bladder;
  2. 2 located in the lumen of the pelvis or ureter;
  3. 3 localized in the wall of the pelvis and ureter;
  4. 4 associated with an abnormal location of the ureters or with their kink;
  5. 5 placed at the same level with the ureter, but at the same time are not in the lumen.

Stages of development of kidney hydronephrosis

In its development, hydronephrosis goes through 3 stages.

In the first stage diseases in the pelvis urine accumulates in small quantities, due to which its walls stretch only slightly and the functioning of the kidney occurs at a normal level.

In the second stage, due to a significant accumulation of urine, the transformation of the kidney is already taking place, which causes a thinning of the walls of this organ. In this case, the work of a diseased kidney is reduced by almost half. For the normal output of urine, a healthy kidney is included in the work. Because of this, the excretory function of the body is compensated.

In the third stage hydronephrosis, the kidney loses efficiency by 80% or completely atrophies. A healthy kidney can no longer fully cope with all the functions of the body. Because of this, renal failure develops. If this problem is not properly treated, the patient may die.

Hydronephrosis symptoms

In the early stages, hydronephrosis may not appear in any way. This disease does not have any special signs that will clearly help establish this diagnosis. Often it manifests itself in the form of symptoms of those diseases or abnormalities that caused the hydronephrosis of the kidney itself.

In most cases, patients experience pain in the lumbar region. They are aching in nature. It can also manifest itself in the form of tingling, then pain occurs in the area of ​​the affected kidney (if the right kidney is diseased, it means on the right, if the left is on the left). Pain responses are also possible in the groin area or in the leg. The more the disease progresses, the less pain becomes.

In addition, along with the pain syndrome, the patient may experience bouts of nausea, gag reflexes, and blood pressure may increase. Some have a fever. This already indicates the presence of an infection.

In one fifth of patients with hydronephrosis, blood is present in the urine. They have gross hematuria (blood in the urine can be traced with the naked eye, without any diagnostics) or microhematuria (blood in the urine cannot be detected by eye, but its presence is determined by laboratory diagnostics, this is indicated by the presence of erythrocytes).

The last stage is accompanied by renal failure, which is characterized by swelling of the body, a decrease in the volume of excreted urine, the presence of arterial hypertension and the development of anemia.

Useful products for hydronephrosis

With hydronephrosis, the patient is shown a special diet. It should be high in calories (daily intake should be equal to 3000 kcal), contain all the amino acids and vitamins necessary for the body.

If the patient is prescribed diuretics, then he needs to add foods containing potassium to his food. These are lentils, beans, peas, mustard, dried fruits (raisins, dried apricots), nuts (cashews, almonds, cedar, cashews, hazelnuts), apricots, cabbage juice, figs, seaweed, potatoes (it is better to eat baked), dairy products. They will help reduce swelling.

The basis of nutrition for hydronephrosis should be fruits and vegetables (at least 600 grams should be eaten daily).

As for the liquid, everything is counted here (first courses, compotes, water). With this disease, you need to monitor your daily urine output (the amount of urine excreted in 24 hours). Depending on the volume of urine excreted, the volume of the necessary fluid is also calculated. The patient’s fluid intake per day should not exceed 0,5 liters of yesterday’s daily urine output. That is: “urine volume + 0,5 l = daily amount of fluid.” It is best to drink compotes, diluted juices and hydrocarbonate mineral water.

To increase the volume of urine excreted, it is necessary to do fasting days. It is carbohydrate unloading that is prescribed. This fasting diet helps lower blood pressure levels and helps remove protein degradation products.

There are 3 options for a fasting day.

  1. 1 Drinking… During the day, you need to drink compote made from fresh fruits and berries. You can add sugar. During the day, you need to drink 1 liter of compote in 5 doses. The break between doses should be at least 3 hours.
  2. 2 Fruit day… All day you need to eat only fruit. They must be eaten 300 grams at a time (there should be 5 receptions, 3 hours should pass between each reception). Watermelon is considered ideal for such a fasting day. Also, you can eat raspberries, cranberries, blueberries, grapes, oranges, cherries, apples.
  3. 3 Vegetable… Eat 300 grams of vegetable salad every 3 hours. The number of receptions must be at least 5 times.

To this day, there is a controversial issue of salt and protein intake.

Some nephrologists advise excluding protein foods from the patient’s diet. After all, protein makes it difficult for the kidneys to function. But excluding it from human consumption (especially the elderly) can seriously harm the body (without the amino acids that are contained in protein, the normal process of repairing damaged kidney tissues cannot take place). Therefore, most doctors are inclined to believe that the consumption of protein foods should be reduced. For 1 kilogram of the patient’s body weight, there should be about 0,5 grams of easily digestible proteins: dairy products, lean meats and vegetable proteins.

About salt. Previously, its consumption was completely prohibited. The amount of salt should now be limited to 2 grams. To add flavor, instead of salt, you can add herbs, garlic, onions to food.

The diet is prescribed separately, depending on: the general well-being of the patient, the presence of concomitant and chronic diseases, the severity of edema, and the results of urine tests.

With hydronephrosis, the following products are recommended for reception: white and rye bread of yesterday’s baked goods, crackers, biscuit biscuits, vegetable soups, cereals and cereals (especially rice and buckwheat), eggs (no more than 1 per day), jelly, jelly, hard cheese , cottage cheese, herbs (lettuce, parsley, dill, young nettle, spinach), cauliflower, asparagus, pumpkin.

All dishes are best steamed or boiled; oil should only be added to cooked food.

Adhering to these nutritional principles for hydronephrosis, you can reduce the load on the kidneys, and normalize metabolic processes. This will direct the work of the kidneys towards their restoration and prolongation of their functioning.

In the presence of concomitant kidney disease, the patient should adhere to the diet of table number 7.

Traditional medicine for hydronephrosis

Before you start treating hydronephrosis with the folk method, you need to know for sure that the second kidney is completely healthy and there are no failures in its functioning. Doctors recommend using conservative methods of treatment only in the early stages of hydronephrosis. Treatment is carried out through the use of herbal decoctions:

  • collect 50 grams of oats (grain), nettle leaves, bearberry, adonis herb and horsetail and 150 grams of birch leaves;
  • take 100 grams of adonis, birch buds, oats, hop cones, bedstraw, stonecrop, horsetail;
  • collect 50 grams of clefthoof, knotweed and horsetail, 75 grams of corn stigmas and bean flaps, 250 grams of bearberry and birch buds;
  • take 150 grams of birch leaves, dandelion and juniper roots (fruits);
  • in the same amount prepare leaves of currant, raspberry, herbs: knotweed, string, calamus roots, chamomile flowers, meadowsweet and kidney tea;
  • in equal portions, take alder cones, marshmallow root, coriander fruits and celandine herbs, fireweed, knotweed, volodushka, mint.

Method for preparing decoctions for hydronephrosis

Take the required dose of the selected collection, pour hot boiled water, put on a low heat, bring to a boil and boil for another 10 minutes (while boiling, the pot should be tightly covered with a lid). After 10 minutes, immediately pour everything into a thermos (along with the grass). Leave the broth there overnight. Filter in the morning. The resulting infusion must be drunk in a day. Consume half a glass 25-30 minutes before each meal. Drink a decoction from one selected collection for 4 months, then you need to take a break for 2 weeks and start taking any other of the above fees.

If hydronephrosis is observed in a child, then it is necessary to take completely different collection dosages for him. It all depends on the age. For children under 1 year old, ½ teaspoon of the collection will be enough for a day, for children aged 1 to 3 years, 1 teaspoon of the collection will already be required. Children under 6 years old are shown 1 dessert spoon for the preparation of a medicinal infusion, and children from 6 to 10 years old will need one tablespoon of the collection. For adults and children over 10 years of age, for treatment, it is necessary to prepare a decoction of 2 tablespoons of the dried collection.


In order to prevent and prevent the development of hydronephrosis, you cannot “endure” (delay the urination process), you must immediately visit the toilet. If urine is overexposed, it can get back into the kidneys, which will cause the pelvis to stretch in the future. This throwing occurs due to the overcrowding of the bladder.

Dangerous and harmful products for hydronephrosis

  • spicy, smoked, fried, fatty, sour foods;
  • pickles, sauces, marinades, ketchups, mayonnaises;
  • sweets (they contain sugar, margarine), pastry cream;
  • fatty meat, fish and broths on them;
  • mushrooms;
  • fast food, alcohol, sweet soda, coffee;
  • semi-finished products, canned food, sausages and sausages;
  • freshly baked and rich pastries.

In the presence of oxaluria, sorrel, chocolate, milk, all legumes and foods containing calcium salts, ascorbic and oxalic acids are restricted.


The administration is not responsible for any attempt to use the information provided, and does not guarantee that it will not harm you personally. The materials cannot be used to prescribe treatment and make a diagnosis. Always consult your specialist doctor!

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