Hydrominum – composition, action. Herbal supplement for edema

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Hydrominum is a herbal dietary supplement available in pharmacies without a prescription. It contains natural plant extracts that help eliminate excess water from the body. It comes in the form of tablets sold in packs of 30.

Composition and action of herbal extracts of the Hydrominum supplement

Hydrominum tablets contain herbal extracts from plants that help remove excess water from the body. These are:

  1. fig opuntia fruit extract – improves cellular metabolism,
  2. dandelion root extract – dandelion has long been known for its choleretic and diuretic properties, supporting detoxification and removal of excess water from the body,
  3. nettle extract – nettle herb is a traditional diuretic and cleansing agent, used in all detoxification treatments,
  4. green tea extract – rich in polyphenols and other antioxidants, protects cells against stress and the harmful effects of free radicals, which is especially important when taking any cleansing preparations, because with excess water, harmful toxins are also released from the body
  5. grape seed extract – strengthens the walls of blood vessels, thus prevents the formation of edema and enhances lymphatic drainage, thus contributing to the resorption of excess water, including the reduction of water cellulite.

Hydrominum tablets – herbal rescue for swelling

Excessive accumulation of water in the body is usually a female problem. It is associated with hormonal fluctuations in the monthly cycle and does not have to mean health problems. Usually, in the second half of the cycle, women feel a bit swollen, which is related to the retention of water in the tissues due to physiological changes. This process is exacerbated by an inadequate diet. In addition, lack of physical activity and drinking too little water aggravate the problem. It also favors the accumulation of harmful toxins in the body.

The Hydrominum preparation comes in handy for the ladies. The ingredients described above, when combined in one supplement, work synergistically – it means that the effect of their action is significantly enhanced. Moreover, it has a convenient form and is easy to dose – 1 tablet a day. The carefully selected composition of Hydrominum ingredients makes them complement each other’s action, intensifying the diuretic and detoxification effects. In addition, they are not only safe to use and can be used for a longer period, but also their use has a positive effect on our health due to the detoxification process of the body. The only contraindication to use is allergy to any component of the preparation. However, before using it, people taking diuretics and pregnant and lactating women should consult a doctor.

Name of the drug / preparation Hydromine
Wstęp A herbal preparation with a diuretic and detoxifying effect.
Manufacturer Aflofarm
Form, dose, packaging Tablets 30 pcs.
Availability category OTC dietary supplement
The active substance Herbal extracts
Indication Physiological accumulation of water in the body
Dosage 1 tablet daily
Contraindications to use Hypersensitivity to any of the ingredients of the preparation
Warnings Pregnant and lactating women and people taking diuretics should consult a doctor before taking the preparation
Interactions x
Side effects x
Other (if any) x

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