How to treat rosacea, diet against rosacea, cosmetics for rosacea

Who painted the nose

The immediate cause of rosacea is. Under the influence of stress, cold, wind, physical exertion, the blood rushes to the face, the vessels expand, but then they cannot contract. At first, this may appear as a slight redness on the cheeks and wings of the nose, but over time, if you do not try to somehow solve the problem, the vessels will weaken more and more, and the face will be covered with a kind of “mesh”. In a word, there is little pleasant and inspiring.

The first victims of rosacea are. Women get this attack more than men. Among the provoking factors are stress, smoking, alcohol abuse and, sorry, gluttony; very spicy, salty or smoked food, coffee and increased physical activity. Couperosis in itself, of course, is not dangerous, but it can also indicate specific health problems – first of all, hormonal imbalance and gastritis. Cosmetological experiments can also provoke the manifestation of rosacea – peelings, for example, or hard massage.

Vitamins and a little tenderness

It is better to approach the treatment of rosacea in a comprehensive manner.


1. Start drinking vitamins that will strengthen blood vessels… First of all, these are vitamins P, K and C, substances that regulate capillary permeability, strengthen the walls of blood vessels.

2. Minimize provoking factors… In frosty and windy weather, use fat-based protective cosmetics and wrap your face with a scarf; not overwork on fitness, be less nervous, quit smoking and drinking.

3. Use special anti-couperous cosmetics… Many cosmetics manufacturers have similar tonics, serums and creams that reduce the manifestation of rosacea. It is worth using the funds in courses.

4. Pick up on home skin care products meticulously… They should not be alcohol-based, contain fruit acids, menthol and other substances that irritate sensitive skin. Some essential oils – rosemary, thyme – give a good anti-couperous effect. They can be mixed with grape seed oil and lubricated with problem areas. Ascorutin tablets, crushed into dust, can be added to a regular day care cream.

5. Tender, even more tender… In general, it is necessary to handle the skin prone to rosacea as delicately as possible. Do not rub your face with a hard towel, do not wash your face with too hot or too cold water, do not use scrubs, do not take a steam bath and do not sit for hours in a sauna.

6. Salon care… Since with rosacea, you need to especially thoroughly cleanse, moisturize and nourish the skin, you should regularly visit a beautician. Health and beauty is not an area where you should save money and time.

6. Use new technologies… For a long time, the only hardware way to deal with the vascular wall on the face was. The method is traumatic and not very effective. Now it is being replaced more and more often (the walls of the vessels are “glued” together with a laser and become invisible). But it also does not suit everyone – before deciding on the procedure, you need to conduct tests to understand whether this method is right for you.

7. Diet that strengthens blood vessels… It is very important to eat right. The menu should contain products that strengthen blood vessels: spinach, currants, cabbage, rose hips, tomatoes, blueberries and mountain ash, walnuts, buckwheat, oranges and lemons, and it is better to eat them with the peel – in fact, vitamin P was at one time isolated from the peel lemon.

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