How to tie a fishing line to a fishing line – 3 reliable ways

How to tie a fishing line to a fishing line - 3 reliable ways

A lot of anglers, especially beginners, are interested in the question of how to properly and securely tie a hook to a line or tie two lines together. This problem is especially relevant in conditions when there is no one to turn to for help, since there is no familiar experienced fisherman. After reading this article, you can learn how to securely tie two fishing lines by familiarizing yourself with several methods.

Uzel Albright

One of these methods is the Albright knot, as one of the simplest and most reliable knots. In addition to simplicity and reliability, this knot has another serious advantage: it can be used to tie any fishing line that differs in both diameter and structure. In other words, the knot is able to connect a regular fishing line to a braided line and vice versa.

Video Tutorial: Albright Knot

How to tie two fishing lines. Knot “Albright” (ALBRIGHT KNOT) HD

clew single and double knot

Another, quite reliable and easy to repeat, is the clew knot, which can be either single or double. With it, you can also tie fishing lines of different diameters, without compromising the strength of the connection. It can be used for various knitting options: you can tie a fishing line to a fishing line, tie a leash to the main fishing line, etc. The method of knitting is so simple that after repeating the knitting of the knot once, the knitting technique is fully mastered.

Video tutorial: clew knot

Climbing knot “Oncoming eight”

Climbers use this knot when climbing mountains, which indicates its reliability. With the help of the counter-eight knot, you can firmly and reliably connect two fishing lines. At first glance, knitting such a knot has certain difficulties, but this is not entirely true. If you try to tie this knot again, you can understand that the fears are greatly exaggerated, but the reliability of the knot is the highest.

Video lesson “Counter Eight”

Knot Counter Eight!

Naturally, the list of such nodes can be continued. If, after repetition, it turns out that the nodes do not meet all the requirements, then it is enough to look on the Internet to find the most suitable ones and master them. But as practice shows, it is enough for a fisherman to master one or two ways, so that this is enough for the rest of his life. The main thing is that knots and knitting methods are simple, reliable and practical. After all, much depends on the conditions under which it is planned to use such a connection. In any case, there are plenty to choose from.

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