How to store cherries at home, in the refrigerator

How to store cherries at home, in the refrigerator

Sweet cherry is a tasty, healthy, but perishable berry. If it is harvested at the peak of its maturity, it will be difficult to keep it presentable. But prolonging the summer season is real, you just need to know how to prepare and store cherries at home.

Keep cherries at home dry and clean.

If it is possible to independently collect delicious fruits from a tree, it is better to do this with tails. This increases the shelf life of the berry and prevents its primary damage, which means the likelihood of infection by microbes and molds. If this is not possible and the berry was bought in the store, it is chosen without stains, dents and the smell of fermentation.

How to prepare cherries for storage

Cherry is being stored:

  • dense;
  • clean;
  • dry;
  • unripe.

Cherries are stored in the refrigerator, but before that they need to be properly prepared. It is forbidden to wash the berry, on the contrary, it needs to be rid of excess moisture. To do this, sprinkle it on a towel and let it dry for 1-2 hours, if necessary, rub the berries with a dry cloth. The berry must be sorted out, particles of foliage, dried flowers, debris are removed, and those specimens that have damage or traces of rot are thrown away.

How much and how to store cherries

The average shelf life of cherries in the refrigerator is 2 weeks. But for this, the temperature should not be below –1 degrees and above +1 degrees. If the berry is harvested for future use, it is frozen in the freezer.

What and how to store cherries? Ideal: a glass container with a vacuum lid. You can put fresh cherry leaves on the bottom of such a container. The berry is neatly stacked in layers and covered with a lid.

Sweet cherries keep their freshness well in a tight paper bag, which is placed in the fruit tray at the bottom of the refrigerator.

A plastic container is also suitable, but they do not cover it with a lid, but put a sheet of thick paper or paper towel on top. You should not put too many fruits in such a container.

If you want to freeze the cherries, they wash them, dry them thoroughly on a towel and only then carefully spread them on a baking sheet so that the berries do not touch, and send them to the freezer. After a couple of hours, when they freeze, the baking sheet is taken out, the cherries are poured into a bag or container for freezing and stored in a permanent place.

You can freeze cherries with seeds for compotes and without them – for pies. In the freezer, scarlet fruits do not lose their beneficial properties for 8 months.

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