How to store strawberries in the refrigerator, how long can you store strawberries

How to store strawberries in the refrigerator, how long can you store strawberries

How to prepare strawberries for storage

How to store strawberries in the refrigerator

Strong ripe fruits without traces of mold are freed from the stalks and placed in a container, on a tray, on a baking sheet covered with a paper towel or a thick napkin. It is best to put strawberries in one layer – the likelihood that they last longer increases significantly. Containers with berries should be stored in a special compartment of the refrigerator for vegetables and fruits. The temperature there is never higher than + 2 ° С.

If you want to use the berry for making desserts all year round, it is better to freeze it. Both whole berries and chopped into slices or milled in puree are sent to the freezer. You can add a little sugar to the storage container, for each kilogram of berries – 200 g, then after defrosting you will get a delicious syrup in addition to strawberries. It is necessary to act as follows:

• berries are sorted out, washed and dried. Placed on a flat dish, they freeze slightly in the freezer. So it will be possible to preserve their integrity and shape after defrosting;

• Put the frozen strawberries one by one into zip-fastened bags, keeping a little empty space. So it does not stick together during storage in one lump;

• for baking, freeze strawberry puree prepared in a blender. The finished mixture is poured into an ice container. At the exit, portioned pieces of puree are obtained, which can be used at your discretion. It’s up to you to add sugar or not, but it is definitely worth sprinkling the puree with lemon juice – this way the color will preserve better.

Now it’s no secret for you how to store strawberries in the refrigerator, use our recommendations, delight yourself and your family with the wonderful taste of summer all year round.

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