How to quickly do general cleaning, clean the house for the holidays: video

How to quickly do general cleaning, clean the house for the holidays: video

Spoiler alert: after watching these videos, you want to immediately wash, tidy up and clean something.

What do we usually do during the May holidays? First, we happily forget about work and go to nature, or even to the country house, to plant potatoes. Secondly, we do the traditional spring general cleaning. And very few people this business brings sincere joy. In search of a way to optimize washing and scrubbing an apartment, many go online.

“According to YouTube research, the popularity of videos on the topic of quick cleaning among Russian users has grown by 40 percent over the past year, creating a real trend,” platform analysts told And we have kindly compiled a rating of the most popular cleaning videos, fast and fun.

“Mom Can”: “Quick House Cleaning”


Daria, the founder of the channel, says about herself: “I love being organized in everything. That is why I apply some of the rules of the FlyLady system. ” Her cleaning system is as follows: first, we do the cleaning a little at a time. You need to spend no more than half an hour on it a day, but every day. It disciplines and instills in the habit of cleaning. Secondly, we divide the house into zones, for each of which there is a list of actions. It turns out that we spend 15-20 minutes on each zone. Thirdly, once a week we do wet cleaning – this is the “Weekly cleaning hour”. We do seasonal cleaning once every three months, and it doesn’t take much effort either. And we also make a list of routine things for every day – how and why, see the video.

“25 hours a day”: “Quick cleaning of a dirty kitchen, before and after”

149 627 views

The channel is hosted by a mother of two children named Natasha. She is not a housewife, but a working mother who, by some miracle, manages to keep up with everything. Or at least he says he is doing well. Almost 250 thousand people have subscribed to Natasha’s channel, and videos with household life hacks are very popular. Natasha called the video about how to wash a dirty kitchen in 15 minutes “Motivation for the lazy.” And the before and after shots are really impressive.

Nataly Gorbatova: “Fast cleaning of the house! Order and comfort are always “


Natalia filmed this video for the New Year, but it has not lost its relevance – fast, effective cleaning all year round is interesting. To wash the stove, clean the plumbing, do not miss or miss anything, and at the same time, so that you still have strength and a good mood. Natalia gathered a company of the same bloggers – fighters for order, and each of them shared their life hacks. The video lasts only 10 minutes and charges with confidence that cleaning is not so scary.

Alina Lifestyle: “Weekly cleaning / Get out with me”


Looking at how Alina scrubs and polishes her rather big, frankly speaking, house, I want to immediately get up and go at least to wash the dishes. And the floor. And clean the bath. So dexterously, quickly and efficiently everything turns out with the author of the video that you yourself are charged with confidence: cleaning is not scary. Alina, like Daria, advises dividing the house into zones and cleaning them on different days, especially if the area is large enough. He also shares which cleaning products he prefers to use and why. And it is also important, even when doing household chores, not to forget about beauty. Alina will remind you of this.

Julia Sukhanova – space organizer: “How to dismantle an apartment and put things in order forever”


Julia is sure: if you have order in your house, then there will be order in your head. Here it is difficult to argue with her, because the supporters of feng shui say that cleaning is a process akin to meditation. In this video, the author of the channel uses examples to tell and show how and where to start decluttering. Julia pays attention to how we feel in the apartment. The main thing is that everything is good. And if it is cramped, stuffy, uncomfortable, and most importantly, you get tired quickly, you need to urgently solve the problem. How exactly – all the secrets in this ten-minute video.

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