How to lose weight without harm to the body: diets 2019

Losing weight also has its own fashion: at one time everyone sat together on squirrels, then on vegetable juices, choosing food by color. Together with a nutritionist, we figure out how to stop experimenting with your health and forget about harmful eating methods.

Nutritional psychologist, member of the Scientific Society of Natural Medicine

Any mono diet is by definition unbalanced.

The body is a large economy, more than 100 trillion cells, and requires more than 100 types of nutrients every day. And if you often practice mono or unbalanced diets, then your reserves will be depleted quite quickly, your hair will become dull, your nails brittle, and your skin will suffer. By the way, you can find out which diet is right for you by clicking on this link.

Ducan’s diet

This protein diet is as dangerous as all mono diets in principle. In addition, excessive protein intake puts an unbearable burden on the kidneys and excretory system. In addition, the body needs carbohydrates, which are almost completely eliminated by the Ducan diet, carbohydrates are energy, including for the brain. That is, in addition to the fact that a person does not feel well, he also understands worse, which cannot but affect the quality of life.

Apple Cider Vinegar Diet

The diet requires three teaspoons of apple cider vinegar to be consumed before meals, which supposedly lowers appetite and “burns fat.” The benefits of such a diet are seriously questionable. Moreover, apple cider vinegar can cause serious damage to the lining of the esophagus and stomach.

Slimming In-Ear Button

The method is based on acupuncture and its idea is that the impact on certain points of the body can have an effect on the body as a whole. In this case, proponents of this method believe that ear piercing at certain points contributes to a decrease in appetite and weight loss. And while many studies support the benefits of acupuncture, none of them have confirmed the benefits of ear piercing for weight loss. As a rule, a very tough, low-calorie, but completely ordinary diet is also offered for the “puncture”.

Drinking diet

Its essence is that all products should be consumed in liquid form – these are juices, mashed potatoes and mashed soups. It may seem that this is a good idea, because such a diet contains a lot of vitamins and cannot be called hungry – soups and mashed potatoes saturate well and take a long time to digest. But our body is not “sharpened” for the use of exclusively liquid food. Such a diet causes a powerful malfunction in the digestive system, up to atrophy of the mucous membrane, as a result, the poor fellow gets metabolic problems and gains more kilograms.

Sleeping Beauty Diet

There are versions that it was Elvis Presley’s favorite diet. All you need is sleep, and for as long as possible. Spending several days in a dream, you lose extra pounds: there are no meals, and for the needs of a working body, energy is taken from reserves, that is, fat deposits. Unfortunately, the benefits of this diet have not been scientifically proven. And not everyone can make time for a long sleep.

Juice diet

Slimming juices five to six times a day, which replace all products. This may seem like a great detox idea to some. But in fact, with such a diet, fiber is lost, which is found in fresh vegetables, and this can disrupt the intestinal flora. When you drink juice, fruits and vegetables are already broken down, so the amount of calories you can absorb is less. As a result, you will feel hungry, which can provoke you to eat extra food and get more calories. Therefore, it is best to eat a whole apple or carrot.

Cotton diet

This is probably the most monstrous diet I’ve ever heard of. Someone figured out that it is necessary to use cotton balls soaked in liquid puree or juice (attention!). Supposedly in this way the stomach feels full. In fact, it is a diet that is dangerous to health and life. A person is not only depriving himself of nutrients, but also eating what the gastrointestinal tract is unable to digest. This is a direct path to dehydration, constipation, and complete digestive system failure.

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