How to lose weight with fennel
How to lose weight with fennel

Sweet dill-fennel-has been revered as a healing remedy since the times of ancient Rome. Both seeds and fruits of fennel were used to bring both the spirit and the body into shape. One of the valuable properties of dill is getting rid of edema, so it is very effective at losing weight.

Fennel stimulates the metabolism and increases the rate of metabolism, it is especially important to use it for women who find it more difficult to lose weight – after childbirth or who have reached the age of 35-40 years. And in both cases, the metabolism slows down under the influence of the restructuring of the hormonal system.

Fennel also naturally normalizes the nervous system, reducing the degree of nervousness, which means that it will be much less likely to seize stress. The use of fennel has a positive effect on the work of the pancreas, the level of sugar in the blood – sharp attacks of hunger cease to bother and the craving for sweet foods decreases.

Especially the diet with fennel will appeal to those who want to quickly reduce the volume of the waist and abdomen: the effect of fennel on the tummies of infants is known to prevent colic, in the same way dill acts on the adult body.

Dill tea for weight loss

The most popular way to use fennel for weight loss is to prepare tea based on its seeds. Take 2 teaspoons of dried seeds and mix with one teaspoon of crushed stems, 20 grams of corn stigmas and a teaspoon of dry green tea. Use the whole mixture as a regular tea brew-pour boiling water and insist until the tea is ready. Fennel tea is consumed before the main meal-20 minutes before meals. It reduces appetite and helps to prepare the gastric tract for digestive work.

Another variant of tea is equal parts of dried fennel seeds and crushed dry mint leaves. The mixture should be filled with water and put on a slow fire for 20 minutes. After cooling, strain and drink 200 ml a day.

Fennel salad for weight loss

Fennel onion salad is also popular among those losing weight. It is crushed, seasoned with salt, lemon juice and vegetable oil, mixed with avocado, cut into cubes. This salad can be seasoned to taste with black pepper or other seasonings and spices. Replace one meal with such a salad – and the result of weight loss will be quickly achievable.

Fennel is also used externally – dill oil helps to get rid of cellulite, moisturizes and tones the skin. It is mixed with other essential oils that are effective for fighting excess weight – neroli, lavender or lemon.

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