How to get rid of bruises. What remedies for bruises and bruises can be prepared at home

A bruise, also called a bruise or hematoma, is caused by a bruise that is strong enough to damage the blood vessels under the skin but not enough to damage the top layer of the skin. This causes blood vessels to leak, resulting in red or purple spots on the skin. As the bruises heal, their color turns greenish-yellow, and then evens out to the color of our skin. Most bruises stay with us for several weeks, although some may last longer. Home remedies for bruising that get rid of bruises faster are simple home remedies.

The most common remedy for bruises and bruises is ice. It must be collected in a plastic bag, or in something else, from which melting water will not flow out, and applied to the affected area. The action of the mild cold provided by the ice will cool the blood vessels at the site of the injury. This will prevent further leakage of blood into the surrounding tissue. Apply ice to the bruise daily, in the morning, for about 20 minutes. Do this until the bruise is completely gone.

How to remove a bruise at home

It is unlikely that we will go to the doctor about a bruise, most of us know how to remove a bruise at home. A popular remedy for bruising that our grandmothers often advise us is ordinary vinegar. Vinegar increases blood flow to the very surface of your skin, while dissolving the blood that has accumulated in the area of ​​the bruise. What you need to do is soak a piece of clean cotton cloth in any kind of vinegar, apply the cloth directly to the bruise, and gently massage the affected area for half an hour. Do this twice a day until the bruise is no longer visible.

You can remove a bruise at home not only with the help of cold, but also with the help of heat. For example, the use of a warming gel helps with bruises and bruises. The heat, like the vinegar in the example above, will help increase blood flow to the bruise, which will dissolve any trapped blood there. Rub the gel over the bruise, cover it with a piece of cloth or towel and let sit for fifteen minutes. Repeat the procedure once a day, preferably at bedtime.

Another tip is to remember to keep the injured area as high as possible. A bruise is, in fact, a small reservoir of blood. If, for example, you have a bruise on your leg, then by holding it on a dais, you (or rather, the force of gravity) will cause the blood that has accumulated there to naturally drain towards the earth.

Bruises and vitamins

When a bruise flaunts somewhere on our body, blood oozes from the bursting blood vessels under the skin in this place and fills the tissues surrounding the bruised area. This means that the bruise will only go away when the accumulated blood is reabsorbed. Some vitamins help these processes go faster, and also play the role of preventive measures, protecting against too much bruising in the future.

One of the vitamins that helps to cope with bruises is vitamin K. This vitamin gets its name from the German word “koagulation”, that is, coagulation, coagulation. Vitamin K strengthens the walls of blood vessels, making bruising less likely. It is known that vitamin K is widely used in medicine, in particular in plastic surgeons it is used to accelerate the healing of bruises after surgery.

Vitamin K can be consumed as a pill, orally, or applied to the skin – it is found in some ointments. In addition, people who have bruises on their skin from the slightest blow – there is such a category of “lucky” – it is recommended to include in their diet foods rich in this vitamin: spinach, greens or cabbage.

Another vitamin that helps fight bruising is vitamin C. Foods high in vitamin C also contain rutin, a bioflavonoid that helps to strengthen capillaries – the smallest and fragile of blood vessels. Vitamin C also strengthens collagen, the tissue located around the blood vessels. Both of these factors reduce our likelihood and severity of bruising.

For older people, who are especially prone to bruising, getting enough vitamin C is doubly important. From the age of 55, the amount of vitamin C in our body decreases. As we know, citrus fruits are constant sources of vitamin C for us: oranges, lemons, limes.

Finally, another trace mineral that will help us protect against bruising is zinc.

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