How to cleanse the skin of the face at home
In order for the skin of the face to remain healthy, young and beautiful for a long time, you need to properly care for it. In other words, to clean well. Together with an expert cosmetologist, we will tell you how to cleanse the skin of the face at home step by step

The first step in skin care is cleansing. No expensive creams and procedures from a cosmetologist will help preserve her beauty and health if you do not start with the simplest and most obvious – cleaning. The good news is that the procedure can be carried out at home, but it is important to know how to properly cleanse your face yourself.

As tells cosmetologist Regina KhasanovaThe skin is the largest organ of our body. It protects, participates in the regulation of body temperature, maintains water-salt and hormonal balance, that is, it does not perform the easiest work.

Our skin is made up of several layers. On each we can help her:

  • Epidermis – the outer layer of the skin. It provides a waterproof barrier and sets our skin tone. It must be protected, protected from the sun (using SPF), avoid exposure to aggressive substances and, of course, cleaned. This is what I tell my clients all the time.
  • Dermis located under the epidermis, contains tough connective tissue, hair follicles and sweat glands. It contains collagen and elastin, two proteins essential for healthy skin. Collagen gives the skin strength and flexibility, and elastin contributes to its elasticity, helping to return to its original shape after stretching. With age and under the influence of external factors, the production of elastin and collagen in the skin gradually decreases. Proper lifestyle and nutrition, cosmetic procedures and professionally selected home care will help to fill them.
  • Hypoderm (subcutaneous fat) – deeper subcutaneous tissue, consists of adipose and connective tissue. It retains heat, protects vital internal organs. With aging, the amount of tissue in this layer decreases, sagging outlines are formed (for example, the oval of the face). Facial massage, regular visits to a beautician, proper nutrition and lifestyle, professional home care can help. From the above, it is clear that the first step in everything is skin cleansing, the expert commented.

Step by step guide

The key to beautiful skin is proper cleansing. And you can do this without any cosmetologists, if you follow the recommendations below. Your skin will thank you.

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Step 1. Wash off makeup with milk

The expert notes that first of all, you need to remove mascara and lipstick – be sure to use different sponges or cotton pads. Then you can clean the eyebrows from the pencil or shadows, and then – the foundation. All this can be done with milk or other makeup remover.

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– Many girls like to remove cosmetics from their faces with micellar water. But they don’t like to wash it off. And this is very important! It must be washed off with warm water. The fact is that its dense composition clogs the pores, says the beautician.

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Never go to bed with makeup on your face!

Step 2. We wash ourselves with warm water

After you have applied makeup remover to your face and removed all the remnants of cosmetics, you need to wash your face with warm, and preferably cool water. Hot water makes the sebaceous glands work as actively as possible.

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Step 3. Apply toner according to your skin type

-After you wash your face, apply toner according to your skin type. This will normalize your pH, soften your skin, and tighten your pores. An important point – in the composition of tonics for dry and combination skin there should be no alcohol, – continues Regina Khasanova.

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This concludes the daily skin cleansing procedure, but there are still a couple of important points:

Use cleansing face masks

Once a week, it does not hurt to make a cleansing mask based on clay, enzymes and acids based on skin type. They not only promote deeper cleansing, but also remove dead skin cells, accelerate the process of cell renewal and relieve inflammation.

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Use a peeling pad

Peeling Roll is a gentle and exfoliating agent. It delicately dissolves dead horny cells of the epidermis with the help of cosmetic acids. Unlike scrubs, the product does not contain traumatic particles, so it is great for weekly use. This will only benefit.

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Change your face towel

– If you dry your face with a towel, then you need to change it every two days. It should be strictly only for the face and only yours! Better yet, use dry towels. They look like big toilet paper, but they help keep germs out of the face, says the beautician. 

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Use professional skincare

– And I’m still for professional care cosmetics. Funds from the nearest store may be economical, but their composition is “tear off and throw away.” And with good funds, trips to the beautician can be reduced, the expert believes. 

Popular questions and answers

Answers the basic questions about the skin cleansing procedure cosmetologist Regina Khasanova:

How often can you use a facial scrub?
The main rules for cleansing the face at home and not only – no excessive exfoliation. Regular exfoliation is good: the skin texture is evened out, pigmentation is reduced, and acne is contained. But daily exfoliation is categorically bad. It leads to increased skin sensitivity, redness and thinning.

The key to beautiful and healthy skin: exfoliating no more than once a week. But it is better to replace it with a peeling roll altogether.

How to choose cosmetics for facial skin cleansing?
I repeat that I am for professional cosmetics. The composition of the funds should be a high concentration of peptides, amino acids and extracts of medicinal plants. At the same time, professional products usually do not contain parabens, steroids, methanol, dyes and heavy metals. Choose fully certified products that have international quality certifications such as GMP. Such tools really will “work”. Any cosmetologist can help with the choice.
How to keep the skin beautiful and healthy for a long time thanks to cleansing?
In order for the skin to be perfect, it is not enough just to clean it. I offer 7 simple steps to healthy skin:

1. Unloading day for the face. From time to time, preferably once a week, arrange a day without makeup: only moisturizer and no foundation.

2. Apply moisturizer within a minute of washing your face. This will retain the maximum amount of moisture and help the cream to be more effective.

3. Get rid of the sponges. First, they absorb more than they give out. Secondly, it is an ideal environment for bacteria. It is much more beneficial for the skin to simply wash with tonic, and apply the foundation with clean fingers.

4. Regular peels. Getting rid of the upper layers of the skin is the key to its youth and health!

5. Brush your teeth before breakfast. By brushing your teeth before the first glass of water, you will get rid of a lot of bacteria. Trust me, your skin will thank you!

6. SPF cream. Don’t forget to use a UV protection cream. Ideally, instead of foundation, use BB or CC creams, which already contain SPF.

7. Primer. If you can’t do without foundation, use a primer first. It has a neutral chemical composition and can protect oily skin from acne and clogging of pores, and normal skin from overdrying. Believe me, with foundation, the skin loses a lot of moisture.

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