How to choose electric heating boilers for a private house, review and comparison reviews

Today we will talk about electric heating boilers, what are their advantages over other heat sources and what disadvantages they have.

What are they

Water-heating boilers are currently used for heating residential premises.

The main task of these boilers is to convert the energy of the boiler power source into thermal energy, which is transferred to the heat carrier.

As a heat carrier, water is most often used, which circulates through the pipelines of the heating system laid throughout the house.

But there are several heat sources that will give off energy. The most common are gas boilers, in which thermal energy is released due to the combustion of gas.

Another type of boilers is solid fuel. They also use combustion to release thermal energy, but only firewood, coal, etc.

Electric heating boilers

Recently, electric boilers have begun to gain popularity.

We will talk about them further.

Types of electric boilers

Compared with the first two types of boilers, electric ones have a number of positive qualities:

  • Installing an electric boiler is much easier;
  • Such a boiler does not require an exhaust hood to remove combustion products, since they are not;
  • Due to the lack of combustion chambers where fuel is burned, electric boilers are much smaller in overall dimensions;
  • In most cases, these boilers are wall-mounted, so they take up little space and do not require a separate room.

The main parameter of any boiler, including an electric one, is its efficiency – the coefficient of efficiency, indicating the percentage of source energy that is converted into thermal energy.

Electric boilers have an efficiency of 94-98%. This indicator is quite high, but, nevertheless, part of the energy is still lost, 100% efficiency is not able to “give out” more than one of the existing boilers.

Modern electric heating boilers are divided into three types according to the heating elements used:

  1. TENOvye;
  2. Electrode;
  3. Induction.

There are also design differences, but this is more aimed at expanding the choice of certain parameters – installation methods, power sources – single-phase network or three-phase, boiler control methods, the number of circuits for the coolant – one circuit or two.

All this may somewhat affect the design of a particular type of boiler, but in general, their principle of operation is unchanged.

Heating element type

Consider the features of each boiler. So, in TENovy heating boilers, the conversion of electrical energy into thermal energy is carried out by tubular heating elements, and heat transfer is carried out only over the contact area of ​​the heating element and the heat carrier.

Such heating elements are used in many heating devices.

As for the complete design of such a boiler, it consists of a body from which the inlet and outlet pipes come out.

Inside the case there are heating elements, a power unit that supplies electricity to the heating elements, fuses that provide emergency shutdown in case of malfunction, as well as a control unit that sets the boiler operation mode, temperature, etc. and temperature sensors.

Since in this boiler water is heated in flow mode, it is not necessary to include a circulation pump in such a heat supply system, the water moves independently.

As for tracking sensors, two types of sensors are used in heating elements.

The former is more common as it is included in the design of the boiler. Such a sensor measures the temperature of the heat carrier.

The second type of sensor – measures the air temperature in the room, so it is easier to make a more accurate debugging of the boiler operation mode with such a sensor.

But such a sensor is remote and it should not be located in the boiler, but in the room heated by it.

See also:

Electrode type

The second type of electric boilers – electrode, operate on a slightly different principle.

In them, as such, there is no heating element, only special electrodes are located inside such a boiler.

The task of these electrodes is to transfer electrical impulses to the heat carrier – water. And since water has resistance, when an electric current passes through it, it splits at the molecular level into positive and negative particles that rush to the electrodes of the desired polarity.

The whole process is accompanied by the release of a large amount of energy (heat). That is, the water itself heats up due to its resistance.

The boiler itself has an outwardly simple design – a body with outlets for connecting it to the heating system, and electrodes are located inside.

Some models of boilers are equipped with a control system, but there are also models for which the control and protection unit is purchased separately.

It is worth pointing out that with this type of heating, spontaneous circulation of water does not occur.

When using this type of heating boiler, it is necessary to have a circulation pump in the heat supply system.

induction type

The third type of boilers is induction, which uses electromagnetic induction for heating.

In such a boiler, due to the inductive coil, a core made of a ferromagnetic alloy is heated, and he already gives this heat to the carrier.

Such a boiler consists of an all-metal housing in which an inductive coil is placed in a sealed compartment so that it does not come into contact with the carrier. The core is located in the center.

Water, as a carrier, passes through the channels, flows along the core, taking heat from it, and heated out of the boiler.

See also:

Details of the advantages and disadvantages

Next, consider the main advantages of electric heating boilers.

Their common advantages are:

  • Simple boiler design (regardless of type);
  • A minimum of detachable connections facilitates installation and eliminates the appearance of leaks;
  • Do not require any type of fuel;
  • Virtually silent operation;
  • No need for a chimney;
  • Environmental friendliness of use;
  • Explosion safety.

These positive qualities are inherent in all types of electric boilers. But each type has its own individual advantages and disadvantages.

So, TENovye boilers are very compact, and often have an attractive design.

They are inexpensive, easy to install and connect. Water can be used as a heat carrier, as well as non-freezing liquids. The coolant circulates spontaneously through the system.

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The main disadvantage of this type of electric boilers is the formation of scale on the heating elements.

Because of this, the boiler may increase its electricity consumption, but eventually it will require maintenance.

Electrode boilers have their advantages. They are even more compact, cut into the heating system, so they are almost invisible.

Their cost is also low, and they are relatively easy to install.

They have complete safety of use, in case of lack of water, they simply turn off. They do not form scale.

But such a boiler has enough shortcomings.

  • Firstly, the coolant must be prepared, because it must have a certain resistance.
  • Secondly, only water is used as a carrier, other liquids are not used with such a boiler.
  • Thirdly, water circulation must be ensured, so the installation of a pump is inevitable.
  • Fourthly, the electrodes gradually dissolve in water during operation, so they will need to be replaced over time.

Now about the advantages of induction boilers.

In them, as such, there is no heating element, therefore, its possible breakdown is excluded, therefore, such boilers are considered very reliable.

Also, they practically do not form scale, so they are not subject to maintenance. They can be used as a carrier and non-freezing liquids.

Among the shortcomings, they have a high cost and significant overall dimensions.

With this article read – how to install a water heater in the house.

About economy

In terms of performance, boilers are selected on the basis that per 10 sq. m. area for efficient heating should account for at least 1 kW of power consumption, this is provided that the boiler is single-circuit, if it has two circuits, then 25% must still be added to the power consumption.

When choosing a boiler, not only its type is taken into account, but also its productivity, the area of ​​uXNUMXbuXNUMXbthe room that it must heat, the cost of equipment, the availability of space for its installation, efficiency, and service life.

But it also depends on the room itself – its area, whether the walls have been insulated, which windows and doors are installed.

Based on this, it is decided whether it will be economically feasible to heat the room with electric boilers.

For example, heating a large room with them is inefficient, but it can be used as an additional one to a boiler that uses any type of fuel.

This all indicates that the efficiency of using the boiler and its cost-effectiveness is an individual matter.

For some rooms, primarily small ones, this method of heating can be very economical, for medium-sized ones, calculations should already be made.

Some types of boilers and their characteristics

Next, consider one of each type of electric boilers. It should be pointed out that many companies are engaged in the production of several types of boilers. One of these is the company Galan (Russia).

We took this company not for advertising purposes, but because this manufacturer really has a lot of models, so it’s easier to find something for example.

Let’s take average models. Of the heating elements, for example – Galan Geyser Turbo 12 kW.

This boiler has a cylindrical shape, can be used both floor and suspended.

The length of this heater is 500 mm, the power is 12 kW, therefore it is indicated that it is capable of heating a room up to 300 cubic meters, although, as already mentioned, it all depends on the thermal insulation of the room itself.

This model comes with a control box. It is three-phase, therefore it works from a 380 V network.

But the model Galan Geyser-9 can already work from a network of 220 and 380 V.

This model is also very compact, its length is only 360 mm. Its power is 9 kW, and can work with a coolant up to 100 liters. The manufacturer indicates that this boiler is capable of heating a room up to 340 cubic meters. m.

But this manufacturer does not produce induction boilers. Therefore, we will consider one of the models of the manufacturer SAV of the PROF series.

Consider the parameters of the SAV 5 model.

This boiler has a power of 5 kW. At the same time, it is able to heat a room up to 200 cubic meters. It works from a 220 V network, as for the size, you can’t call it small, its height is 640 mm with a width of 455 mm.

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Briefly about the installation

Installing any electric boiler is not particularly difficult. The main task is the supply of pipelines to the boiler, and with the correct location of the pipeline for supplying and discharging water.

The diameter of the pipes must match the diameter of the inlet and outlet pipes.

After the boiler is either fixed on the wall, or installed on the floor.

Then the pipelines are connected to the nozzles. If the design requires the presence of a circulation pump, then it must be installed on the inlet pipe.

It is also imperative to install taps that shut off the water both at the inlet to the boiler and at the outlet.

All pipelines must be connected using sealing materials.

Next, a coolant is poured into the system to check the quality of the connections. If leaks are found, the squeegee at the place of its appearance must be tightened.

If there is a pump, it will also need to be turned on so that it creates fluid movement.

The last step is to connect the boiler to the electrical network, and when powering the boiler, use a circuit breaker with suitable parameters.

Then a trial run of the system and a check of its operation, as well as adjustment and installation of operation parameters, are already carried out.


From the reviews of people who install electric boilers, as well as those who use them, it is difficult to understand which of the boilers is good and whether they are generally economical.

So, one of the reviews says that:

  1. Electrode – functions with a bang, but only when using special coolants and there are no impurities in it (filters are required). The economy is good.
  2. Tenovy “eats” not even a little, but “do not care” for the coolant (you can fill in water, and antifreeze and antifreeze).
  3. You can connect a control unit connected to a mobile phone to any boiler and use it as a mini smart home.

Feedback from a user of this type of home heating:

The area to be heated is 62 sq. m, with a ceiling height of 2.75 meters. A boiler with a capacity of 6 kW was installed.

I made an electric underfloor heating, insulated the walls and ceiling and everything is super, even frosts up to -30 and strong winds, the house is very warm, somewhere +18. But such weather for three years was only once.

Thanks to climate control, the boiler turns on 4 times a day, for 40 minutes, in rooms 25 degrees. at -2 deg. on the street.

In a month, on average, it comes out from 300-400 kW, depending on the weather. The benefits are tangible, I plan to equip a second house with an electric boiler.

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