
How to develop your abilities and increase the efficiency of thinking? How to combine logic and creativity? Clinical psychologist Michael Candle recalls a simple and highly effective practice that can change the way the brain works for the better.

Most of us have to work hard with our heads. Solving problems, finding the right path to achieve your goals, and making important choices all require thought. And, in the figurative expression of clinical psychologist Michael Candle, for this we start our thought engines and turn on our brains. As with a car, we can easily increase the efficiency of this process with «brain turbo».

What does this mean?

Work of two hemispheres

“To understand how turbocharged thinking works, you need to know at least a little about the two hemispheres of the brain,” Candle writes. The left and right parts of it process information differently.

The left brain thinks rationally, logically, analytically, and linearly, much like a computer processes data. But the right hemisphere acts creatively, intuitively, emotionally and sensory, that is, irrationally. Both hemispheres have unique advantages and limitations.

We live in a «left hemisphere» world, the psychologist believes: most of our thought processes are concentrated in the rational area, without much conscious input from the right hemisphere. This is good for productivity, but not enough for a fulfilling life. For example, developing quality relationships with family, friends, and colleagues requires the help of the right brain.

Dialogical thinking is more effective than monologue

“Imagine two types of parents: one teaches the child to think rationally, and the other to love and care, to create,” Candle gives an example. — A child raised by only one parent will be at a disadvantage compared to one raised by both. But those children whose parents act together as a team will benefit the most.” In this way, he explains the essence of «turbocharged thinking», in which both hemispheres of the brain work in partnership.

Everyone knows the saying “One head is good, but two is better.” Why is it true? One reason is that two points of view provide a more complete view of the situation. The second reason is that dialogical thinking is more effective than monological thinking. Sharing different styles of thinking allows us to achieve more.

That’s the theory. But how do you get the left and right hemispheres to work together in partnership? In over 30 years as a clinical psychologist, Candle has found that two-handed writing is the best way. He has been using this effective technique in his practice for 29 years, observing its results.

The practice of two-handed writing

The idea may sound strange to many, but the practice is actually as effective as it is simple. Think of Leonardo da Vinci: he was both a brilliant artist (right hemisphere) and a talented engineer (left). Being an ambidexter, that is, using both hands almost equally, da Vinci actively worked with both hemispheres. When writing and painting, he alternated between right and left hands.

In other words, in Candle’s terminology, Leonardo had a «bi-hemispheric turbocharged mindset.» Each of the two hands is controlled by the opposite side of the brain: the right hand is controlled by the left hemisphere and vice versa. Therefore, when both hands interact, both hemispheres also interact.

In addition to developing the ability to think, create, and make better decisions, two-handed writing is also beneficial for managing emotions and healing internal wounds. This is the most effective tool Candle has found in dealing with such issues, and the results are backed by customer experience.

Learn more about it

You don’t have to be a da Vinci to sharpen your mind, says Michael Candle.

The first to write about the use of two-handed writing in personal therapy was art therapist Lucia Capaccione, who published The Power of the Other Hand in 1988. Her numerous works and publications describe how this technique can be used for the creativity and development of adults, adolescents and children. The exercises she suggested make it easier to learn two-handed writing — like riding a bicycle, this is a path from awkwardness and clumsiness to simplicity and naturalness. In 2019, another book by Capaccione, The Art of Finding Oneself, was published in Russia. Expressive Diary.

Get Ready for the Benefits of a Turbocharged Brain

Another well-known author, in whose books you can read about how both our hemispheres think, is Daniel Pink. In books, he talks about the benefits of using the right hemisphere.

The books of Capaccione and Pink were published in Russian. Candle’s work on «bihemispheric» thinking and methods for activating it has not yet been translated. “Those who are drawn to new experiences will appreciate this practice of two-handed writing,” Candle says. “Get ready for the benefits that a “turbocharged brain” will bring to you!”

About the author: Michael Candle is a clinical psychologist.

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