How long can you take a pregnancy test after conception

How long can you take a pregnancy test after conception

If you do the test too early, it will show nothing – as experts say, it will turn out to be false negative. In this case, you can donate blood for hCG, or you can just wait a little.

In order for a pregnancy test or blood test to show an accurate result, you need to do them after 14 days from the moment of fertilization. How to determine it – there are detailed instructions for this, one of them can be found at the link.

Particularly sensitive tests can show pregnancy after the 10th day of delay. The exact timing at which the test is triggered is usually indicated in the instructions for it. Follow the instructions in the instructions so that the result is exactly correct. Remember – the appearance of a weakly expressed second strip on the test does not always mean pregnancy.

This is because after intercourse, it takes sperm from 24 hours to two days to enter the uterus. After that, the fertilized egg moves in the uterus, which takes about another week. And only then the egg is fixed on the wall of the uterus. From this moment, the production of the hCG hormone begins in the woman’s body.

Because of all these processes, it is recommended that tests only be done after two weeks after conception. Previously, they would be simply useless.

Methods for detecting pregnancy

There are three most reliable ways to detect pregnancy:

  • Test. The easiest and most affordable way. Nowadays, you can buy electronic and hypersensitive tests in the pharmacy. Some of them are able to show the correct result earlier than after 14 days. But it is important to follow the instructions so as not to be mistaken with the result.
  • Donating blood for hCG… A blood test will show you the exact result, it can also be done after 14 days.
  • US… It is also an effective method, but it is used less often than the previous two methods.

Also, some girls resort to home methods for determining pregnancy – there are quite a few of them, some have existed for centuries and really work. But do not trust such methods, because there is no guarantee that they will give the right answer.

If pregnancy is undesirable, but you have already had unprotected intercourse, and not yet 72 hours have passed, you can use emergency contraception. But here you need to remember that this is a strong stress for the body, which is better not to arrange more often than twice a year. And in any case, you should definitely consult with your doctor.

Otherwise, wait two weeks, and then buy the test. If the result is implicit, or you are in doubt, you can donate blood for hCG – such an analysis gives an error extremely rarely.

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