How long can a child sit at the computer and watch TV

Remember our childhood? The worst punishment then was house arrest. We were even afraid to go in to drink water – what if they won’t let us out again? Today’s children are not at all like that. To expose them for a walk, you need to pretty much strain.

In the UK, experts even conducted a survey and found out how much time children spend at the computer and how much on the street. The results saddened everyone. It turned out that children breathe fresh air only seven hours a week. A week, Karl! But they sit at the computer two to three times longer. And the situation in our country is unlikely to be radically different.

40 percent of parents admitted that they force their children to go for a walk. But only the illiterate does not know how important an active lifestyle is for the normal development of a child.

The researchers found that two out of five children and adolescents between the ages of 6 and 16 never went camping, built “shelters,” or even climbed a tree. The average teenager will prefer video games, television, surfing the Internet, or listening to music over all these activities. Ten percent of children even admitted that they would rather do their homework than go for a walk.

Experts have given a simple recipe for how to deal with this scourge. Parents need to get their kids involved in adventures. Yes, hiking. Yes, walks and trips. No, not sitting, buried in a smartphone screen. After all, firstly, you yourself will not let the child out on the street alone – at least until he is 12 years old. Secondly, how does he know how exciting outings can be if you never do it?

Remember, children XNUMX and older need at least an hour a day of physical activity. If this rule is not followed, the child will pay a huge price for his sedentary lifestyle: this is the risk of developing type II diabetes, an increased likelihood of developing cardiovascular diseases in the future. In addition, the researchers proved one more thing. Children who are more active are happier than their sedentary peers.

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