How red and orange fruits affect the body

Scientists from the Harvard school of public health came to a very interesting conclusion in their research. After extensive research they found that eating orange and red vegetables, fruits, leafy greens and berries reduces the risk of memory loss over time.

How did learn it?

For 20 years, experts observed 27842 men with an average age of 51 years. Scientists saw that the very favorable effect was observed when included in the diet of orange juice. Although it should be noted, is not particularly revered among nutritionists because of the lack of fiber and high sugar content.

As it turned out, men who drank orange juice every day, 47% less likely suffered from memory problems than men who drank orange juice less than once per month.

Now we need to conduct additional trials to test whether the obtained results are true for women.

However, the new study clearly indicate that diet has a significant impact on brain health. And that middle-aged people should regularly drink orange juice and eat a lot of leafy greens and berries to prevent memory loss in old age.

More about influence of oranges on human body watch in the video below:

If You Eat 1 Orange Every Day This Is What Happens To Your Body

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