How and where to store pork correctly?

Only properly preserved meat can please with its taste, add strength and health. To choose the best way and shelf life of pork it is necessary first of all to find out how much and how the meat was stored before it got to you.

If the pork bought in the store has been shock-frozen, it can be wrapped in foil and placed in the freezer – there it can retain its properties for up to 6 months.

If it is impossible to determine the method of freezing and the shelf life of purchased pork meat, it is better to defrost it and eat it within 1-2 days.

When buying fresh pork, it is important to remember that “fresh”, still warm meat should not be packaged – it must cool naturally at room temperature.

Pork obtained from young pigs, as well as minced meat, is stored in a cold place without freezing for no more than a day.

Adult meat can be stored on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator in a plastic bag (always with a hole so that the meat “breathes”) for 2-3 days and in the freezer.

There are two ways to store pork in the freezer.:

  • pack in plastic bags, release air from them and freeze. This method will keep the meat up to 3 months;
  • slightly freeze the meat, pour it over with water, freeze and then pack in bags. With this freezing option, pork does not lose its qualities for up to 6 months.

To preserve the taste of the product, there is another important rule: before freezing, pork must be divided into small portions.

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