How a young Englishwoman ate 500 calories a day and overcame anorexia

Student Millie Gaskin is a real British star. The girl was able to overcome anorexia and inspired other people to fight this disease. 

Millie Gaskin at a dance competition. Pictured right

Low-fat yogurt for breakfast and spinach for lunch – that’s, in fact, the whole diet of student Millie Gaskin, who on the eve of 2017 decided that she would “start a new life”. 

She downloaded the popular calorie counting app and did not notice herself becoming addicted to food. More precisely, from her absence.

The 22-year-old student just wanted to bring her body into good physical shape: eat a balanced diet, track the BJU index, move more … It would seem that the calorie tracker in this case is a great help. 

Only now Millie very quickly realized that she didn’t want to eat on the 1 kcal per day offered by the program – after all, it was “too much” anyway. “By March, I was eating less than 200 calories a day,” the girl admitted in an interview with the Mirror portal.

“I did cardio workouts every day in the gym, to the university and back I walked exclusively on foot and chose the longest routes – and all for the sake of a couple of dozen calories burned,” Millie recalled.

Studying in another city helped her hide her obsession with losing weight from her family for a long time. However, after the girl met with her mother, she sounded the alarm.  

The parents noticed that Millie eats practically nothing and took her to the clinic. However, even the 22-year-old patient was surprised by the specialists’ response.

The doctors told the worried mother that she had nothing to worry about. Her daughter’s weight is at the lower threshold of the norm, which means that nothing threatens her health.

Nevertheless, Millie’s condition worsened with each passing day. She continued to refuse food and could not bring herself to eat anything. After several weeks of unsuccessful attempts to feed her daughter, her mother again turned to doctors – and then the girl was diagnosed with anorexia.

 “The glucose level is below normal. I was forbidden to go anywhere alone, to drive a car, and to leave the house altogether (except for medical appointments). I used to go in for dancing, but even they have become banned, ”said Milli.

“They took me to a hospital that looked more like a prison. The other patients looked like zombies, with no life in them. My father said that he would not like to see me like them. Often I just lay curled up on the floor of the clinic and cried. “

Still, being under the strict supervision of doctors did the girl good. She put on a little weight, but not at all because of the fact that to please the family or to quickly go “free”.

The turning point was the realization that her body was being destroyed right before her eyes. Millie admitted that the sudden loss of hair was a real shock for her.

“I was taking a shower and suddenly noticed that my hair was left on the bathroom floor. I looked down and saw how hard the bones were sticking out. It scared me very much. Since then, I started trying to get well, ”Gaskin said.

And she really put her best effort into it. Millie was still not able to eat much and was afraid to get better all the time, but she did not think to give up. 

Millie Gaskin with her friends at her birthday party

In addition, the family paid her for a course of psychotherapy, so that the girl was able to deal with the psychological side of her disorder. 

One of the key moments happened at Millie’s birthday party. A friend baked a cake for her, and the birthday girl “went mad”, deciding that she would be forced to eat the dessert whole. Having cooled down, she noticed that everyone was happy to take a piece of cake for themselves – and decided to try a little. “Since then, I ate a small piece of cake every day,” Gaskin said.

While losing weight, she became addicted to jogging, although not for health purposes, but with the intention of burning more calories. However, constant bouts of weakness did not allow Millie to enjoy running. 

After the girl got stronger, she wanted to resume sports. “It took me seven months to start running. And then I decided that I would definitely take part in the charity marathon, ”Milli said. 

Gaskin, 22, did take part in the Asics 48-kilometer run in London. She came to the finish line in just XNUMX minutes. “I just put on my headphones and turned on the music. And I felt alive, ”Millie shared her impressions.

Two years after the start of extreme weight loss, Millie Gaskin still cannot boast of Olympic health.

Since December 2017, Millie Gaskin began to rapidly lose weight.

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“I am still afraid of getting fat, and I feel bad every time I eat. It still seems to me that I do not deserve dessert … Every day for me is a battle for my weight, ”the girl shared. Nevertheless, she continues to fight for health, works with a psychotherapist and believes that someday she will return to her previous form. 

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