Home remedies for prostate problems. Fight your symptoms with this diet!
Home remedies for prostate problems. Fight your symptoms with this diet!Home remedies for prostate problems. Fight your symptoms with this diet!

It would seem that when it comes to aging, men are in a more comfortable position than women. Ladies care about every wrinkle, progressing gray hair, because the culture in which we live promotes eternal youth. This issue does not apply to men, it is often even said that over the years, changing features and gray hair give them character. However, men also have a serious problem that appears over the years. Hypertrophy of the prostate gland makes itself felt after the age of 40, but more serious symptoms start only after the age of 60. Fortunately, there are home remedies to reduce the feeling of discomfort and fight this troublesome problem. 

An enlarged prostate compresses the urethra, weakening the bladder and causing problems with urination. The most common symptoms of this condition also include:

  • Difficult, frequent urination, especially at night,
  • Inability to empty the bladder
  • Burning sensation when urinating
  • sick ejaculation,
  • Pain behind the scrotum.

How to relieve prostate symptoms with home remedies?

  1. Corn whiskers – when corn is in season, it is worth getting 6 cobs, removing the characteristic “whiskers” from them and pouring 0,5 liters of water over them. Wait for the water to boil and cook the stock for another 10 minutes. Then strain the mustache and drink 3 cups of the infusion a week. This method has been used for generations by the Amish, who considered it a golden remedy for prostate problems»>prostate.
  2. Dried pumpkin seeds – especially effective in the treatment of prostate hyperplasia without cancer. What’s so special about them? Pumpkin seeds have diuretic properties, and additionally contain large amounts of zinc, which has a great effect on the body’s immunity. The most delicious form of eating this healthy snack is to dry it and eat it without any additions, but you can also buy special pumpkin seed oil in capsules, or prepare an infusion: crush a handful of fresh seeds and place them at the bottom of a half-liter jar, then pour boiling water over them and cool them down . After straining, drink half a liter of infusion a day.
  3. Soybean – ideal for the first symptoms. You don’t have to eat it in its pure form, soy-based products are also recommended. It contains phytoestrogens that improve the reduction of testosterone. In this way, it prevents the formation of prostate cancer, because this hormone is considered one of the causes of cancer development. What’s more, phytoestrogens limit the growth of blood vessels located around the prostate tumor.
  4. Fishes – the best will be mackerel, salmon and tuna, which are the most rich in omega-3 acids. Fish is a great way to fight glandular hyperplasia and prostate cancer.
  5. Watermelon seeds – many people consider them to be an unnecessary element of this tasty fruit, but seed tea perfectly cleanses the body of toxins, and also helps with bladder and prostate problems. To prepare the infusion, you need 1/8 cup of watermelon seeds, which you pour into a half-liter container and pour boiling water. When the decoction cools down, strain the seeds and drink 2 cups of the infusion for 10 days.

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