Hardware facial cosmetology

When the first wrinkles appear on the face, we begin to understand that cosmetics alone cannot correct the situation, other methods are needed. Natalya Udonova, the editor of the “Beauty” column, learned how to preserve beauty and postpone aging for several years from the director of the “Petrovka-Beauty” beauty salon, Natalya Buzhinskaya.

Hardware facial cosmetology

At what age is it time to start using anti-aging products?

The aging process begins at about 23 years old, and if you do not take preventive measures, the first sharp leap in deterioration in appearance occurs at the age of 30, the second at 40. Of course, for each age you need to choose your own care products and methods of preventing wrinkles.

Until the age of 30, several courses of massage, light peels, and the use of home remedies with active ingredients are enough. From 30 to 40 on your own it is no longer possible to cope, you need to contact a beautician, do botox, peelings, biorevitalization, hardware methods – “ELOS-rejuvenation”, “Fraxel”. One visit a month is enough, but you should turn it into a habit, like going to the hairdresser.

After 40, it is impossible to cope with aging only by cosmetology methods. Physical activity is imperative, proper nutrition and control of hormones by a cosmetologist. After all, the skin is a hormone-dependent organ. Changes in the hormonal background (extinction) inevitably affect the appearance. When I look at Hollywood celebrities over 40 years old, I understand what a huge work is behind this appearance, and this is not only the merit of the cosmetologist. Such women command great respect for their hard work.

Who is hardware cosmetology indicated for?

If you have scars, pigmentation or spots after acne, then it is much faster to remove them with the help of hardware technologies than to use peeling. If you need to look your best tomorrow, it makes sense to undergo the procedure on the Introceuticals device (Madonna’s favorite device), which allows you to smooth the skin with the help of hyperbaric oxygen and hyaluronic acid in one session.

Read next: The most effective hardware procedures

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Top 10 rules for skin health Skin is an indicator of our health. Looking at her, you can find out everything about our inclinations, bad habits and lifestyle. The skin can be easily injured, but it can also be restored, although this will take time. WDay.com presents ten rules for skin health.

Facial skin care: in the salon and at home Especially for WDay.ru cosmetologists of famous beauty salons told what salon and home procedures will keep your skin young, beautiful and healthy.

Frost and sun: rules of skin care If on New Year’s Eve you decide to change the situation and go to the sea or snow-capped mountains, remember that in special climatic conditions you will need special cosmetics.

The new generation device “Fraxel” Re: fine will effectively rejuvenate the skin.

Which of the recent innovations in the field of cosmetology impressed you?

The new model of the Fraxel Re: fine laser, which appeared this year. This device still completely renews the skin throughout its depth [four fractional rejuvenation procedures renew about 60% of old skin. – Approx. author], but at the same time minimizes the rehabilitation time. Previously, this kind of procedure required a long recovery period, now you can go to work the next day. Of course, facial redness and swelling are present, but the look is quite acceptable. By the way, the action of “Fraxel” Re: fine is so delicate that it is possible to work even on the moving eyelid.

How painful is this procedure?

The slight discomfort from “Fraxel” rejuvenation cannot be compared with the risks and traumatism of median chemical peels or microdermabrasion. Here, without damage to the epidermis, the destruction of many micro-areas occurs. And since the diameter of the destroyed zones is extremely small (no more than 200 microns) and a large number of active cells remain around each zone, the healing process occurs rather quickly.

Within a few days it is possible to use the formed “wells” in the intercellular space to deliver biologically active components to the dermis. Specially designed creams and serums enhance the anti-aging effect, further stimulating the cells of the epidermis. Even last year, such direct stimulation was not available for implementation.

Read on: How to properly care for your skin in winter

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Top 10 rules for skin health Skin is an indicator of our health. Looking at her, you can find out everything about our inclinations, bad habits and lifestyle. The skin can be easily injured, but it can also be restored, although this will take time. WDay.com presents ten rules for skin health.

Facial skin care: in the salon and at home Especially for WDay.ru cosmetologists of famous beauty salons told what salon and home procedures will keep your skin young, beautiful and healthy.

Frost and sun: rules of skin care If on New Year’s Eve you decide to change the situation and go to the sea or snow-capped mountains, remember that in special climatic conditions you will need special cosmetics.

Is Clinical Moisturizing Complex deeply moisturizes and soothes the skin, protects against harmful environmental influences.

How to improve the appearance of the skin during the cold season?

Getting into the cold, the skin first gives off heat and water, then “falls asleep”: the vessels narrow, the blood circulation and metabolic processes slow down.

Constant movement from a warm room to the street and vice versa causes the vessels to often expand and contract, not all of them withstand this kind of training. As a result, capillaries can appear on the skin.

However, even a long stay in the room is harmful to the skin: air conditioners and batteries contribute to the rapid evaporation of moisture, which can lead to dehydration.

Therefore, in winter, it is important for the skin to use creams that can retain moisture. Modern tools do an excellent job. The Moisurizing Complex from iS CLINICAL has proven itself well. The soluble collagen introduced into the formulation creates a film on the surface of the skin, and it does not allow moisture to evaporate.

What is the main thing in skin care: a good product or constant care?

There are no trifles in skin care. “Beauty is not easy” – Solon’s famous aphorism. Regular care is important, but even without good products, unfortunately, you cannot expect an optimal result.

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Top 10 rules for skin health Skin is an indicator of our health. Looking at her, you can find out everything about our inclinations, bad habits and lifestyle. The skin can be easily injured, but it can also be restored, although this will take time. WDay.com presents ten rules for skin health.

Facial skin care: in the salon and at home Especially for WDay.ru cosmetologists of famous beauty salons told what salon and home procedures will keep your skin young, beautiful and healthy.

Frost and sun: rules of skin care If on New Year’s Eve you decide to change the situation and go to the sea or snow-capped mountains, remember that in special climatic conditions you will need special cosmetics.

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