Hamam: the benefits and harms of a Turkish bath – all the nuances

😉 Greetings to regular and new readers! In the article “Hamam: the benefits and harms of a Turkish bath – all the nuances” about this pleasant procedure and its contraindications, plus a video.

Turkish hamam – what is it

Are you familiar with Turkish baths? Hamam is a Turkish bath with 100% humidity and fifty degree air temperature. Hamam, translated from the Arabic word “ham” – “hot”, is considered the coolest of all types of baths.

The softness of the steam gives a feeling of lightness, the procedure becomes safe for those who find it difficult to be in the classic Russian steam room with scalding steam. Thus, the subtropical climate of the hamam has a beneficial effect on the human body, preventing the vessels from expanding sharply.

Rules for visiting the hamam

First of all, you need to know that, unlike the Russian bathhouse with wooden shelves, the hamam is decorated with marble, under which pipes with hot water are located for heating. Cold marble turns into a source of pleasant, non-scalding heat.

Condensation collects on the cold ceiling and flows down the walls, which is why the hammam has domed ceilings. To create steam in modern Turkish baths, steam generators are installed, which fill the room with steam, humidifying the air to 100%.

The Turkish bath consists of several rooms. In the first of them, the dressing room, you will receive a large towel and slippers, the peculiarity of which is the presence of a wooden sole. You cannot bathe naked in a Turkish bath.

Hamam: the benefits and harms of a Turkish bath – all the nuances

In the main hall, you will have to lie on a warm marble shelf for up to half an hour to warm up. It is during this time that your pores will open and they will be cleansed. But to intensify the cleansing, the attendant will rub your body using coarse camel hair mittens. You will simultaneously receive a light massage and deep skin cleansing.

The next procedure is a soap massage performed by the attendant. After whisking soap foam from natural soap made with olive and peach oils in a bag, the attendant will apply it on your body from head to fingertips, massaging you for about fifteen minutes. You can also use an additional honey or oil massage.

After enjoying the soapy procedures, you can plunge into the pool or enjoy all the delights of the jacuzzi.

And now all the above procedures have been completed, you can go into a cool room to drink a bit of herbal tea with oriental sweets. When your body has cooled down to its natural temperature, you can go outside.

The benefits of hamam

  • the subtropical climate in this room has a beneficial effect on the entire body;
  • moist steam penetrating the respiratory tract treats bronchitis and pharyngitis;
  • pains of a rheumatic nature, muscle and arthritis disappear;
  • the nervous system returns to normal, insomnia goes away;
  • due to the opening of the pores, the work of the sebaceous glands is normalized, the fat content of the skin decreases;
  • sometimes the weight drops to two kilograms under the influence of high temperatures in combination with soap massage, metabolism is improved, the process of decay of fat cells starts;
  • dilated vessels improve blood circulation, due to the outflow of blood from the internal organs, their stagnation disappears.

Hammam: contraindications

Hamam: the benefits and harms of a Turkish bath – all the nuances

Unfortunately, not everyone can visit the hamam due to the following contraindications:

  • epilepsy;
  • oncology;
  • kidney inflammation;
  • Thyroid gland diseases;
  • tuberculosis;
  • cirrhosis of the liver and its other diseases;
  • pregnancy at any time;
  • ever suffered a stroke or heart attack;
  • heart disease;
  • purulent lesions or fungal skin diseases.

If you have any of the diseases listed above, you should refrain from visiting the hamam. There is an alternative – an infrared sauna.

Everyone who is not at risk should visit a Turkish bath at least once. You will receive a bouquet of pleasure and delight. Feel like a real princess of the East. Enjoy the extraordinary sensations of massage, exfoliation, masks and herbal teas. No wonder the hamam is called a real beauty bath!


Read more in this video on “Hamam: Benefits and Harms”

Turkish bath hamam

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