Gibert’s pityriasis rosé: what is it?

Gibert’s pityriasis rosé: what is it?

Definition of Gibert’s rosé pityriasis

Le Gibert’s rosy pityriasis is a mild and fairly common skin condition named after the French dermatologist Camille-Melchior Gibert, who was the first to describe the disease in 1860.

This pathology manifests itself by formation of red patches on the skin, mainly at the level of the torso, arm and thighs. The origin of this disease is not well known, several doctors agree that a infection caused by a virus could be responsible. Gibert’s pityriasis rosé mainly affects children over 10 years old, adolescents and young adults. In most cases, the skin lesions spontaneously progress towards healing without specific treatment.

Gibert’s pityriasis rosa is a skin disease characterized by the formation of pinkish patches on different parts of the body (especially on the chest and abdomen). Benign et non contagious, this disease is due to a reactivation of a herpes virus, the primary infection of which usually occurred in childhood.

Symptoms of Gibert’s pityriasis rosé

Gibert’s pityriasis rosé begins with a single pinkish plaque, round or oval in shape, approximately 2 to 5 cm in diameter.

A few days earlier, fatigue and headaches appear. The edge of the plate is darker in color, and the center is paler.

Then, a few days to a fortnight later, appear small plates of the same appearance, oval shaped (medallions) and red, brown or pink in color depending on the individual. The center of the plaques is slightly wrinkled and the lesions are covered with dander (small white skins).

Each plate is clearly delimited by a pink border. The lesions are generally located in the thorax, abdomen, thighs (inner part), arms and pubis. New patches continue to appear in waves for 1 to 2 weeks. Most of the time, they don’t itch and eventually go away within a couple of weeks. The disease lasts about 2 months.

The frequency of Gibert’s pityriasis rosé is higher in people between 10 and 30 years old. Women are more affected than men.


Testing is not necessary to establish the diagnosis. THE’clinical observation and a few questions asked of the affected person allow the doctor to confirm his diagnosis.

He usually prescribes serological tests (blood tests). This is to look for syphilis that may, at a certain stage, resemble the rash of Gilbert’s pityriasis rosa. It is also important to test for HIV (AIDS virus). A swab from the area of ​​a plaque is sometimes necessary, as this tinea may resemble circinated herpes caused by yeast.


No treatment is necessary. The red patches progress to the healing between 5 and 8 weeks after they appear and leave no scars. But their disappearance can sometimes be longer (2-3 months).

The doctor may recommend the use of a mild vegetable soap, like a oat milk soap for example. If the lesions are itchy, corticosteroids to antihistamines can be prescribed, or even some sessions of UV rays.

Complementary approaches

Some solutions are offered in complementary medicine, but not necessarily useful, since the disease heals on its own and does not present any serious nature.


In homeopathy are used: Arsenicum iodatum in 9 CH with Sepia in 5 CH, in particular in case of itching, if the skin is dry and particularly large scales. Take 3 granules of each three times a day.

If the scales are fine, prefer Arsenicum album in 5 CH.

If the itching is intense, take Graphites in 15 CH.

Cantharis in 5 CH is used in case of blisters or tearing of the superficial part of the skin.

More generally, if the symptoms are more diffuse, one can opt for Berberis vulgaris in 5 CH at the rate of 5 granules twice a day.


Some plants are traditionally used: for example we can combine 1 ml of essential oil of Lavender aspic and Geranium rose with half a milliliter of EO of German chamomile, peppermint, green myrtle and 15 ml of oil of Calendula.

Apply this preparation 2 to 3 times a day.

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