Garden for beginners: preparing for winter

Garden for beginners: preparing for winter

Preparing a garden for beginners for winter seems like a daunting undertaking. In fact, this process is quite simple and consists of several main activities.

Rules for preparing a garden for winter for beginners

Preparatory work should begin in early September. As a rule, at this time the harvesting of fruit crops takes place, after which it is necessary to fertilize the trees and shrubs with ash and treat them with drugs for pests and diseases. In the last days of the month, it is advisable to carry out sanitary and formative pruning. To do this, remove all damaged and broken branches, as well as shoots growing inward.

Preparing a garden for winter for beginners includes several basic activities

Be sure to treat the cuts with garden varnish or oil paint. Then the cultures will heal their wounds faster.

Do not forget to remove fallen leaves, because various pests and microorganisms can live in it. But you should not burn it, because it will become an excellent compost and shelter for non-frost-resistant plants. Rake it into a heap and pour it with quicklime, then it will soper faster.

Garden preparation in October

The beginning of the month is a great time to plant seedlings. In addition, during this period, plant propagation can be carried out by cutting off or by dividing the root. Do not forget that young shrubs and trees often attract rodents. And to protect them, build a frame made of roofing material or metal mesh around the trunk.

In the middle of the month, feed the crops with potash and phosphorus fertilizers. It will help them get through the cold season.

In the second decade of October, the last watering of the crops should be carried out. Young trees need 50-60 liters, adults about 200 liters. Try to saturate the soil with moisture to a depth of 20-30 cm. Be sure to loosen the soil 2-3 days after watering. This will protect the roots from freezing.

Choose a sunny day and whitewash plant trunks to keep out insects and rodents. At the end of the month, frost-resistant plants should be prepared for winter. As a rule, this event is held in this way:

  1. The ground part of flowers and shrubs is cut off.
  2. The remaining foams are covered with soil.
  3. A layer of spruce branches or rotten foliage is laid on top.

In some cases, it will be necessary to install a frame with a film. It is also advisable to build shelters near young trees.

Preparing a garden for winter is not such a difficult process, which a novice gardener can cope with. The main thing is to adhere to the basic rules for conducting agrotechnical measures. And then your plants will survive the frosts and will delight you with a good harvest next year.

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