Functional training: what it is, pros and cons, features and exercises

For anybody not a secret that the vast majority of sports are dominated by the principle of speciality, “What train – what you get”. This is the shortest way to high achievements in a selected area: bodybuilder gets a muscle hypertrophy and separation, powerlifter – maximum force in the three competition movements, the lifter – also a power, too, in competitive drills, but not the greatest, and some of another kind, dynamic, etc.

This approach has a downside: narrow specialization leads to the fact that the sports qualities and skills you can apply in real life, not always and not everywhere. Bodybuilder in fact it may be not as strong as looks in comparison with the same powerlifter, the powerlifter – strong, but not tough, the weight lifter, in contrast, has good strength endurance, but weak force. In addition, the representatives of the traditional security disciplines are often too isolated in the framework of the exercise, that they constantly practice.

How to associate sports with practical living conditions, with those types of physical effort that is necessary to make the ordinary person in everyday life? New directions in fitness largely decide the issue. Functional training – just such a discipline. It is built based on the basic loads and action that feels and makes people daily.

General information about functional training

Functional training is a fitness discipline that is built on working out the underlying physical acts committed daily. For example, jumping, Jogging, lifting small weights, cleaning the house, playing with children, etc. (of course, when it comes to such everyday actions means a person leading an active lifestyle). Most of these movements are mnogocwetnye and quite challenging in biomechanics. “Isolation” as such, functional training is not.

There is one important feature. Functional exercise are forced to work not only big and visible muscles, but a lot of small muscles-stabilizers, which in the classical strength training are often neglected. Pumping these muscles not be psychological control, their training is not to focus mentally, as, for example, strength exercises for any “target” muscle. Functional training for the solution of this problem is used a number of special tools and principles of training (on the equipment and training will be discussed below).

What are the benefits of functional training?

We note five main benefits of functional training, which are important to know:

  1. This type of training develops all the basic physical qualities: strength (in the form of still power endurance first and foremost – but it is this kind of force in everyday life and normally takes up), speed, aerobic endurance, flexibility, coordination.
  2. The balanced and harmonious development of skeletal muscles, since the load is given for all muscle groups, without exception, and actively involved in the work of muscle-stabilizers.
  3. Improved appearance of the athlete: burn fat and build a “dry” aesthetic muscles (of course, without such an extreme extent as in bodybuilding).
  4. General revitalizing effect on the body: accelerates the metabolism, exercising is usually the “tying” of bad habits, starts to eat right and maintain a healthy lifestyle.
  5. Another useful effect, which somehow is often overlooked: functional training because of their exceptional diversity in terms of the selection of exercises and used inventory expands, “sports minded” trainees. The novice athlete “open” exercises with a barbell, dumbbell, of workout and more (this functional training similar to crossfit).

Functional training working ALL major muscle groups, and this is one of the main advantages of this sports direction. This system allows you to “get” muscle-stabilizers and some specific muscle groups. This is achieved by a huge diversity and complex biomechanics of the exercises used.

It helps to develop functional training?

Let us examine in more detail those sports qualities that were mentioned in the previous paragraph:

  1. Exercises with moderately heavy weights and also weight loss will certainly contribute to the growth of power indicators, the growth goes in three directions. The result of the training stress training the muscles become bigger and stronger, and the strength of this “slant” in the endurance, since most exercises are performed in the REP range above average. The second “booster” strength training is the Central nervous system. Exercises are complex in terms of biomechanics, and the work is on a natural trajectory, so the various muscle groups begin to work more smoothly, is a “neurological development” exercises, which also leads to higher power performance. The third direction – already mentioned above, training of stabilizing muscles, which reduces the trauma of exercise and gives a significant contribution to the development of strength.
  2. Speed: movements are performed at high speed, “explosive” style, in addition to many of the program included a sprint run. All this develops the speed performance of the athlete.
  3. Endurance of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems: a high rate of training and actively used in the “loop” principle of building a training complex with the same Jogging gives a very good endurance.
  4. Flexibility: a series of exercises used in the functional training (for example, Turkish lift with kettlebell, “advanced” varieties of push-UPS, rotating weights, etc.) to develop flexibility of joints and muscles.
  5. Coordination: here the situation is partially similar to the previous paragraph. Results in a complex multi-stage movements (again, the same Turkish ascent), and (squat on one leg “pistol”) directly depend on the coherence of the muscle groups and the ability to keep balance. An athlete constantly practicing a similar exercises, will inevitably develop and coordinate.

What are the disadvantages and contraindications?

Significant disadvantages of functional training are only two:

  1. Low growth in muscle mass. This system will help develop a lean muscular body, but bodybuilding muscle size never give. For achieving great muscle hypertrophy training and nutrition needs to be different. Functional training – not bodybuilding.
  2. None of the sporting qualities fail to achieve maximum results due to multi-directional training (same story as in crossfit).

Like any other training system, functional training has its contraindications:

  • Pregnancy (especially second and third trimesters)
  • Various diseases of the heart and the General cardiovascular system
  • Serious diseases and injuries of the spine
  • Kidney problems (caution should be observed in the hopping exercises)
  • Various diseases and injuries of musculoskeletal system
  • Infection and inflammation accompanied by high temperature

To fit functional training?

Functional training – training system that is suitable for people of all ages, from teenagers up to 16 years old, both men and women. The initial level of fitness also does not matter, there are options for training programs for both beginners and advanced.

The opportunity to visit the sports hall will greatly add variety to the workout through a variety of inventory that is unavailable at home, but at home it is possible to train in functional training are many exercises which do not require any equipment or just the bare minimum.

Target training can also be different: fat burning, General physical fitness, strengthening the muscles and ligaments, development of endurance and just the achievement of a “sporty” appearance.

Functional training for weight loss

A very large part of training (and among girls – the overwhelming majority) engaged in functional training for weight loss. Indeed, such exercises contribute to active burning fat deposits, and to a significant extent this is due to the faster metabolism already in the post-workout time. This functional training is similar to HIIT (however these two directions are not the same, the differences will be discussed below). Many calories are burned directly on the workouts that are very high tempo and use different muscle groups simultaneously.

For those seeking a fat burning and is engaged by the method of functional training we must remember that the amount of training must be at least three a week. More rare session might not be able to lead to severe metabolic changes, which will give the reduction of body fat in the recovery periods between workouts. The training duration will depend on the intensity and level of training: minimum 20 minutes, maximum 60 minutes.

If you want to lose weight, remember to eat a deficit of calories and follow the General principles of proper nutrition. If we talk about sports nutrition, to speed up the process of weight loss be desirable to add the intake of L-carnitine and whey protein. This will help to “dry” faster.

Functional training for muscle mass

A priori: functional training is not the best tool for building massive muscle. In this system, training that is movement rather than strength and muscle mass, the weight of the used shells of a deep secondary. Moderate increase in muscle mass may be noticeable only to those trainees that do not engage in weight training. Bodybuilders with experience, switched to functional training, may have to put up with some “deflation” of the muscle volume, especially men in the category 90+.

For athletes who still want to achieve increase muscle mass, practicing according to this method, we can deduce the following principles:

  • You need to adjust the set of exercises in favor of movements with the weights (barbell, dumbbell weights, etc.) and power movements with your own body weight (pull UPS, push UPS, etc.).
  • The number of repetitions in the approach should not be lifted above 12-15.
  • Be limited to two workouts per week.
  • Possible to change the emphasis in training, for example in the first – to train mainly upper body for the second – legs and back, avoiding excessive “overlapping burdens”.
  • Nutrition: again, a high protein diet and creatine, which increases “explosive” strength and muscle volume.

If you want to get a dry and lean body, functional training you is very nice. Well, if you want to get powerful and toned body, it is better to give preference to bodybuilding and powerlifting, and functional training to perform optional for the overall development of the body.

Features functional training

There are five main principles of functional training:

  1. Exercises are performed standing or with an emphasis on hand (not sitting and not lying down).
  2. Mainly used exercises with free weights and the weight of his own body.
  3. The training included basic mnogocwetnye exercises (not isolation).
  4. Functional training performed at high speed (“explosive”) style.
  5. In this system it train movements, not specific muscles.

The characteristic features of functional training can be called low axial load on the spine and work the ligaments and joints in the “power saving mode”.

Widely used and common in other related systems training “circular” exercise, alternating aerobic and anaerobic exercises in the ratio of about 30% to 70% (a similar proportion is not a dogma, options).

Important aspects are proper breathing, work on training the maximum amount of muscles an adequate assessment of their capabilities (to loads advanced athletes should be approached gradually, starting with programs for beginners) and proper recovery (the break between classes at least 24 hours).

Exercises in functional training

As a rule, training in a functional style, and includes exercises from four main groups:

  • Exercises with weights of moderate weight carried out in explosive style: different types of squats; lifts, the stem pulls, jerks and tremors.
  • Exercise weight loss pull – UPS, sit-UPS, push-UPS, etc.
  • Exercises on race: running, Cycling and rowing machines.
  • Specific exercises with special equipment (TRX, hemisphere BOSU, fitball, bands, etc.).

Duration functional training, usually low: from 20 minutes to 1 hour, depending on training level and training goals.

How to make usual exercises functional? Based on the above, here are a few examples of “turning” a regular routine in the function:

Example 1: an Athlete performs dumbbell bench press sitting on a bench, training deltoids. What you need to do to perform the same movement in a functional style? First, go to the standing position. Second, to reduce the weight of shells and execute the move in high-speed style, connecting more and the muscles of the legs, i.e., the bench will turn into a push. Thirdly, you can substitute dumbbells for the kettlebell is an unbalanced shells, which increasingly will include the work of muscle-stabilizers.

Example 2: Now, turn a deadlift into a functional exercise. This will require much (perhaps several times) to reduce the weight of the rod. The rod can be replaced by heavy weight: for men 40 to 50 kg, for girls 16 to 24 kg Exercise should be performed in high-speed style of 12-15 times, not completely straightening your knees at the top and avoiding excessive bending of the back. Athletes pulling far over 200 kg, these weights will seem ridiculous, but we should not forget about the speed and that training is the movement.

TOP selection of exercises with weights

What are the differences between functional training from the usual?

  1. The style of the exercises differs from that adopted in bodybuilding: exercises are performed quickly, in “explosive” mode.
  2. “Isolation” as such is not used, all traffic only mnogocwetnye.
  3. Do not apply strength training – block and lever, only free weights.
  4. Hardly used bench – all traffic or just standing in the upper arms.
  5. The training worked almost all muscle groups, the separation of the training of individual muscle groups weekly split no.
  6. There is no clear distinction between “power” part of the workout and cardio, functional training exercises from both groups are mixed.
  7. Actively used the circular method, which almost no traditional bodybuilding.
  8. There is a psychological fixation to feel the work specific muscle groups (a focus on the work of stabilizing muscles is practically impossible).
  9. The most important difference: not train the muscles-namely, motion. A gradual increase of weights used weights is present, but this factor is not as important as in traditional training with iron.

What equipment will be needed?

Exercises in functional training is a tremendous diversity, respectively, and with the used equipment the situation is similar.

It is worth noting that a lot of functional exercises performed with your own body weight or simple free weights. So they are equally convenient to carry and hall, in the gym, at home and on the Playground. But you can also diversify additional functional training equipment.

Functional training uses the following equipment:

  • Various types of weights: barbells, dumbbells, kettlebells, medbay.
  • Traditional exercise equipment: horizontal bars, rings, uneven bars.
  • Different types of cardio machines: rowing, exercise bikes, treadmills, elipsoid.
  • A variety of sports fitness items that you can use at home or in the gym: TRX, BOSU half ball, heavy ropes, exercise balls, rubber hinge, gliding disks.

Is it possible to do functional training for the beginners?

Functional training is available for newcomers to the sport with any fitness level. The main thing is to choose an appropriate training program for beginners and to start adequate physical activity, gradually increasing the volume, intensity and complexity of the training sessions.

The only requirement for beginners is to meet the minimum criteria on health (the list of contraindications, see above).

Tips for beginners:

  • Before starting your workout, clearly specify for yourself the goals that you plan to achieve fat burning, the achievement of an external effect is “sports figures”, improvement of General physical training, etc. Based on this you need to build your first training program.
  • Soberly assess their physical capabilities prior to the start of training and start training with adequate physical activity.
  • Learn self-control: keep a training diary and weigh yourself regularly perform anthropometric measurements.
  • In addition to training, don’t forget about nutrition: more protein and less “fast” carbohydrates in the diet. Use sports nutrition (primarily protein), creatine, vitamin-mineral complexes.
  • Improve your own results is the main criterion of progress. For advanced trainees to better navigate only as a role model, but it makes no sense to join with them in direct competition. In General, the competitive spirit is still not talking about functional training; practicing according to this system, you are in the ring and on the weightlifting platform.

What are the differences between functional training between interval

Two areas of fitness – high intensity interval training (HIIT) and functional training are similar in many ways: and often use the same exercises and training followers of both systems can be almost indistinguishable externally. And yet the differences are there, and are they in the original philosophy inherent in these systems.

HIIT involves alternating aerobic and anaerobic activity to activate the metabolic processes in the body to burn fat. Functional training aerobic and anaerobic exercises are also combined, but the essential of their alternation is not a mandatory condition for building workout. In functional training the most important thing is to rehearse, develop sport skills and “get it” muscle-stabilizers.

The goal in every trainee is different, but in General we can say that in HIIT is more significant fat burning and aerobic component, and in functional training, the proportion of weights above about 70%, and as a consequence, it is slightly more focused on strength and mass of muscles. Although if you look at the training programs for HIIT and physics, we can see that these two sports are closely intertwined and have a lot in common.

All about HIIT workouts

Why do functional training?

  1. Functional training promotes the comprehensive development of athletic qualities: power, endurance, speed, coordination, etc.
  2. Classes on this technique is available to almost everyone, regardless of gender, age and physical fitness.
  3. You can train with minimal amount of inventory without visiting the gym – at home or outside on the Playground.
  4. Functional training provides additional insurance against injury through the development of stabilizing muscles.
  5. In this system there is no rigid relationship between success in training and genetic information of a person (in bodybuilding and powerlifting this dependence is very strong); good results are able to achieve virtually any training.

A ready example of functional training at home

We offer you the option of functional training, which can be done at home. This is a great set of exercises for weight loss and muscle tone! You can also make it more difficult, if you use dumbbells or increase the number of repetitions.

The specified number of iterations calculated on the average level of the students. Beginners can reduce the number of reps by half, advanced to the contrary, increase (within its physical capabilities). The number of repetitions indicated on one side. Between exercises do not need to do a big trip, 15-30 seconds will be enough.

Finished workout at home for beginners

Before exercise be sure to perform a workout, after a workout – stretching.

The first round

1. Lunge with twist: 15 reps

2. Pushups “In Out” (from knees): 8 reps

3. Lifting on the chair + lead leg: 12 reps

4. Walking in the bar: 15 reps

5. Swing leg up in tilt: 12 reps

6. Touch knee to elbow in plank: 15 repetitions

7. Squat jumping with: 15 reps

Rest 1 minute

The second round

1. Side lunge + dumbbell bench press: 15 reps

2. Pushups in the “hill”: 12 repetitions

3. Deadlifts on one leg: 15 reps

4. Breeding hands and feet standing and in plank: 10 reps

5. Squat + leg abduction to the side: 15 reps

6. Pulling in the bar dumbbells: 12 reps

7. Running with high knee lift20 reps

Rest 1 minute

Third round

1. Reverse lunge with knee lift: 15 reps

2. Reverse push-UPS with a touch of the foot: at 12 repetitions

3. Getting up from a chair: 15 reps

4. The knees up in the bar: 15 reps

5. Lift knees to chest: 15 reps

6. Diver: 20 reps

7. Running with zahlest lower leg: 25 reps

See also:

  • Pull-UPS: how to learn to catch up with zero + tips
  • TABATA training: 10 ready-made exercises for weight loss
  • Attacks: what is needed and how to perform + 20 options

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