Functional exercise Tracy Anderson for beginners

Want to do fitness, but don’t know where to start? Try complex workouts Tracy Anderson for beginners: Mat Workout For Beginners, which will help you to get rid of excess weight and tighten the body.

Program description Tracy Anderson for beginners

The famous trainer to Hollywood stars Tracy Anderson has developed a complex for beginners: Mat Workout For Beginners. It is based on her famous method, which involves the inclusion of small muscles to create a miniature figure and not build muscle. Tracy achieves high efficiency from classes due to multiple repetitions of exercises with small weights. Now her method is available for beginners.

Complex Mat Workout For Beginners consists of three exercises with progressive levels of difficulty. Each video lasts about 25 minutes, so you don’t need to look for a lot of time in classes:

  • The first level (Beginner Full Body)
  • The second level (Chair Sequence)
  • The third level (Full Body Intermediate)

If you are just starting to do fitness, you can train on this program during the month, with each level 10 days. If you are already prepared physically, you can combine two videos in a row, doing 50 minutes a day. In each workout there is a focus on main problem areas: arm, abdomen, thighs, buttocks. Tracy performs exercises at a moderate pace, so you can easily master the technique of its class.

To run the program you will need a stable chair, ankle weights (optional) and a pair of dumbbells. Tracy recommends that you take the dumbbells weighing less than 1,5 kg. This is enough to achieve muscle tone and keep the graceful shape. The workout Tracy Anderson for beginners includes only the functional load. Therefore, for efficiency we recommend to combine Mat Workout For Beginners cardio workout from Tracy Anderson for beginners.

The pros and cons of the program


1. The program is ideal for beginners. You will engage in simple and accessible workout from Tracy Anderson, which handle even a beginner.

2. The complex consists of three exercises with progressive levels of difficulty. This will help you to gradually get involved in classes, but to have the opportunity to work on improving your physical fitness.

3. Tracy offers a unique method of weight loss. Her exercises, which combine elements of dance, ballet and Pilates, will help you to strengthen stabilizing muscles throughout the body.

4. Workouts last only 25 minutes, so classes will find the time, even those who do not have a lot of free time.

5. The exercise of the program for beginners by Tracy Anderson will help you work out such problem areas as hips, buttocks, stomach and arms. You will lose weight and will shape slim and beautiful body.

6. The program is safe for people with diseases of the knee: it virtually eliminated the shock load.


1. The program is a relatively low level of complexity, therefore, suitable only for beginners.

2. The complex is not included cardio weight for fat burning.

Mat Workout Beginners

Program Mat Workout For Beginners is aimed at a qualitative transformation of your body. With this workout Tracy Anderson for beginners not only do you get a beautiful figure, but also pull up the level of their physical training. Read also: Top best workouts for beginners or where to start to do fitness?

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