Fukusuma tragedy: a mysterious conspiracy of silence

What is the most dangerous nuclear disaster in history? Many will confidently answer that this is an accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, which is not true. In 2011, an earthquake occurred, which is a consequence of another cataclysm that occurred in Chile. Tremors provoked a tsunami that caused the meltdown of several reactors at the TEPCO nuclear power plant located in Fukushima. Subsequently, there was a colossal release of radiation into the aquatic environment. In the first three months after the tragic accident, a huge amount of hazardous substances entered the Pacific Ocean, the total volume of which exceeds the total release as a result of the Chernobyl accident. It should be noted that no official data on pollution has been received, and all indicators are conditional.

Despite the dire consequences, Fukushima continues to regularly dump large amounts of harmful substances into the ocean. According to some estimates, about 300 tons of radioactive waste enters the water every day! A nuclear power plant can continue to pollute the environment for an indefinite amount of time. The leak cannot be repaired even with robotic technology due to the extreme temperatures. Today we can confidently say that Fukushima has contaminated the entire ocean area with waste in 5 years.

The Fukushima accident could very well be the worst environmental disaster in human history. Despite the horrendous consequences, this issue is practically not covered in the world media. Politicians and scientists prefer to hush up this problem.

TEPCO is a subsidiary of the world’s largest company General Electric (GE), which has influence over both political forces and the media. This fact explains the lack of coverage of the accident, which continuously leaves its mark on the ecological state of our planet.

It is known that the management of the GE corporation had a full understanding of the deplorable state of the Fukushima reactors, but they did not take any measures to improve the situation. Irresponsible attitude led to tragic consequences. Residents of the western part of the North American coast have already felt the consequences of the events of five years ago. Schools of fish are swimming in Canada, bleeding to death. The local government prefers to ignore this “disease”. Today, the ichthyofauna of the region has decreased by 10%.

In the west of Canada, a sharp increase in radiation levels by as much as 300% was recorded! According to published studies, this level is not decreasing, but steadily increasing upwards. What is the reason for the suppression of this data by the local media? Probably, the authorities of the United States and Canada are afraid of panic in society. 

In Oregon, starfish after the Fukushima tragedy first began to lose their legs, and then completely disintegrate under the influence of radiation. The scale of death of these marine organisms is colossal. The high mortality of starfish poses a great threat to the entire oceanic ecosystem. American officials prefer not to notice the pessimistic forecasts. They do not attach much importance to the fact that it was after the accident that the level of radiation in tuna increased several times. The government says the source of the radiation is unknown and there is nothing for the locals to worry about.

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