Five symptoms to tell you if your liver is overloaded

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When does your liver send you an SOS signal? Here are five symptoms that you may be overloaded. They must not be ignored as this may have a negative effect on your health.

  1. When we eat fat and unhealthy, and at the same time do not avoid alcohol and take a lot of drugs, the liver works at full capacity
  2. Persistent bad habits can imperceptibly destroy the central laboratory of the human organism
  3. However, there are some signs by which we can recognize that the liver is no longer functioning properly
  4. More information can be found on the Onet homepage.

Digestive problems

The liver takes part in ranks metabolic processes. When it starts to fail, the intestinal motility is reduced, which slows down the absorption of nutrients from food. Liver problems (dysregulation of bile and hormone production) can lead to a condition called leaky gut. Leaky intestines result in gas and abdominal pain, as well as constipation and diarrhea. Deterioration of the intestinal permeability also results in the occurrence of food allergies and intolerances.

  1. To support the proper functioning of the liver, it is worth drinking dandelion root tea. Are you looking for a different preparation for the liver? Familiarize yourself with the Medonet Market offer and choose something for yourself.


When the liver stops functioning properly, blood pressure rises and sodium retention in the body. Our legs, hands and face begin to swell. After all, the circumference of the abdomen increases significantly. Ascites, i.e. the accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity, is most often the result of liver cirrhosis. The enlarged abdomen becomes tender and painful. May cause shortness of breath. However, it is worth remembering that sick liver this is just one of the causes of edema, which can also be caused by, for example, congestive heart failure, kidney failure or dysfunction of the lymphatic system.

  1. If you want to take care of your liver, try the Klimuszko Mystery of Healthy Liver Nalewka.

Do you want to undergo preventive tests for the risk of liver disease? At Medonet Market you can order alpha1-antitrypsin test by mail – after receiving the kit, a sample is collected and sent to the laboratory.

Change in the color of urine and stools

When hemoglobin is broken down in the liver and spleen, a yellow-orange pigment called bilirubin is formed. It is bilirubin, after further transformations, that gives stools brown color and urine yellow. If there is too much of it, the stool and urine will become discolored. The color of the skin and sclera of the eyes also changes. Their yellowing is a symptom of jaundice.

Do you want to support the work of the liver? Try Magnolia Kora – 10% Magnolol – YANGO dietary supplement, which you can find on Medonet Market. We also recommend artichoke herb, which has properties supporting the work of the liver.

Itchy skin

Liver overload results in the restriction or stoppage of bile flow, known as cholestasis. Bile stasis in the liver over time, it causes an increase in pressure in the bile ducts and, as a result, even damages the hepatocytes. Cholestasis, apart from jaundice, is often accompanied by troublesome itching of the skin.

Improve bile production and flow by using the Liver Support Tea with Artichoke and St. John’s Wort. It is also worth reaching for FOR THE LIVER – herbal set from Herbapol in Krakow, in which you will find:

  1. silymarin capsules,
  2. Fix tea for the liver,
  3. capsules Gall bladder.

Mood swings

The condition of the liver also affects the mental condition. When an overloaded organ is unable to properly remove toxins from the body, hepatic encephalopathy, a complex of specific neurological and psychiatric disorders, can develop. Toxins disrupt the work of the brain, so the patient may experience mood swings, struggle with chronic fatigue, confusion and constant sleepiness.

To get rid of toxins from the body, it is worth using dietary supplements that will help with this. For example, try a Detox supplement, which you can buy in the Panaseus Men’s Supplement Set. In addition to the cleansing preparation, this set also includes products that support the functioning of the musculoskeletal system. We also recommend OstroVit NAC for detoxification of the body, a dietary supplement that supports the functioning of the liver.

The editorial board recommends:

  1. Liver functions. What is the role of the liver in the body?
  2. Enlarged liver. Causes, diagnosis, diagnosis and treatment
  3. Do you have such changes on your skin? This could be a symptom of a bad liver

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