Fitness: how to get a good night’s sleep

Identify the real sleep disorders

Restful sleep is the key to recharging your batteries, boosting your morale… and also being in good health. Did you know that not getting enough sleep promotes diabetes and high blood pressure? The risks of obesity are also greater because the body stores more fat. Without forgetting that the repeated sleepless nights weaken the immune system, which makes us more vulnerable to viruses and germs. While some of us are lucky enough to have unruffled sleep, others may take a long time to fall asleep and / or wake up several times. And when you are a young parent, sleep is inevitably upset! 

If your sleep is disturbed by your child’s awakenings at night, of course you must first of all help her sleep better

Have trouble sleeping from time to time, it’s perfectly normal. In this case, it is necessary to play down: the following night will be better! We talk about insomnia if these sleeping troubles occur at least 3 times a week, lasting at least 2 months, and if they are a source of fatigue during the day. To stop the phenomenon, it is better then consult without delay, under penalty of being quickly exhausted. 

>>> To read also:Your little rituals for putting children to bed

Sleep well at night, you can prepare during the day

To be in shape, most adults need 7-8 hours of sleep. But for some it can be more or less. Learn to respect your own pace – there is no point in going to bed if you don’t feel like sleeping. On the other hand, head for the bed at the first signs of drowsiness: yawning, tingling of the eyes …

Your sleep disturbances may be caused by a too heavy “mental load”: you know, that tornado of tasks that spin in your head and never let you rest. so delegate! To your spouse, to outside help, and put it into perspective: everything is not important at the moment! Put off what can be …  

Also important: getting up and going to bed at regular times, so as not to disrupt his biological clock. How about a nap? Yes, but no more than 20 minutes. History, again, of do not disturb your internal clock. Then, it is important during the day to do activities that give the body a wake-up call, such as expose yourself to the light of day walking outside as soon as possible, at least 45 minutes. By also practicing a regular physical activity: walking, swimming, cycling, yoga … But no intense sport after 18 p.m., which may prevent you from sleeping.

You can also try sophrology, which is very effective in improving the quality of sleep.

In the evening, soothing rituals

At the end of the day, it’s best to give your body calmer signals so that it understands that it’s time to go to bed soon. Thereby, from 21 p.m., put away your computer, tablet and mobile phone, too stimulating. Read or watch TV (yes, yes, you can, that does not have an exciting effect – avoiding violent films anyway…).

Relaxation rituals that are working: 

  • take a bath,
  • spray a lavender mist that improves sleep,
  • make a self-massage of the feet,
  • practice the abdominal breathing by inflating the belly on the inspiration and pulling it in on the expiration …

In the bedroom, create conditions conducive to good sleep : darkness, silence and a temperature around 18 ° C. Also opt for the phytotherapy. To be taken in herbal teas or capsules. Mimosa and hops promote falling asleep. Linden, chamomile and lavender calm anxiety. Valerian improves the quality of sleep. Do not deprive yourself ! And what’s more, it’s good!

>>> To read also:Pregnant, take care of yourself with plants

A diet that promotes sleep

Better sleep is also prepared on the plate. Choose slow sugars for dinner – pasta, rice… – because the night is equivalent to a long period of fasting and if you do not eat enough, you risk being awakened by hunger. Avoid excess protein and fat, which are more difficult to digest. Besides, better to have dinner at least 1 hour 30 to 2 hours before going to bed so as not to be in full digestion.

Also consume foods rich in magnesium, which have a calming effect, such as dried fruits. Avoid coffee, tea and soda from 15 to 16 p.m. Another tip: eat a sweet food just before going to bed because it comforts (don’t forget to brush your teeth afterwards). So many small simple gestures that are easy to adopt to find serene nights. 

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