Fever in infants – causes, symptoms, management, treatment

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A fever in babies is always a disturbing signal to parents. It usually is an expression of an ongoing infection and is accompanied by other non-specific symptoms such as coughing, runny nose, diarrhea, irritability, and reluctance to suck the breasts. In the treatment of fever in children, paracetamol and ibuprofen are mainly used.

When can we speak of a fever in infants?

A healthy infant usually has a body temperature of 36,6 to 37,5ºC. The internal thermoregulator is not yet fully formed, so the temperature may rise even when the baby is okay. It is also related to the variable activity of hormones throughout the day (in the morning the temperature is usually slightly lower than in the evening). The fever may even appear in your sleep or after crying for a long time. A fever in infants is said to be higher than 38ºC, and when it is 37,5–38ºC – it is called a low-grade fever.

How to correctly measure the temperature in babies?

There are many ways to measure your baby’s temperature. This can be done through the anus, ear, mouth, or forehead. Recently, infrared ear thermometers have become popular, they just slip into the child’s ear and the result is known after a second. Contrary to appearances, this is a very reliable method, because the heat in the eardrum is identical to that in the brain.

Buy the BRAUN IRT6515 Thermoscan 6 ear thermometer with a heated tip today – accurate, fast and convenient to use.

In children for whom measuring the temperature is stressful, a thermometer in the nipple is used, which resembles a regular teether, with the difference that it has sensors in the silicone part and a display in the dial.

You can also use an electronic thermometer, which, after placing the baby on its side or stomach, is inserted into its anus. Remember to smear the tip of the thermometer with a greasy cream. The result with this method is obtained after about 30 seconds. Remember! When taking temperature through the anus, do not use a mercury thermometer as it may bruise and injure your baby.

There are also special straps that are applied to the forehead. However, they are not particularly recommended as they only give an approximate result of your body temperature. Thus, there is no XNUMX% guarantee that the result is reliable.

Vitammy Thermo Stickers are accurate to 1 degree, so if you want to make it easier for you to measure your child’s body temperature, you can always try them out.

Are you looking for a convenient method of measuring temperature? Medonet Market offers non-contact and classic thermometers. You can use, among others from Neno brand thermometers, e.g. Neno Medic T02 or Neno Medic T05 with a liquid temperature measurement function.

What are the causes of fever in babies?

  1. The most common causes of fever in infants are upper and lower respiratory tract infections such as rhinitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis, bronchitis, bronchiolitis and pneumonia, and otitis media. Usually these are infections caused by viruses, in the case of bacterial etiology, treatment with antibiotics is necessary.
  2. Urinary tract infections also manifest themselves with fever. It occurs more often in girls, in whom the urethra is shorter than in boys and is located close to the anus, hence it is easier to transfer pathogenic bacteria. Antibiotic therapy is used in these infections.
  3. Fever, accompanied by a severe general condition of a child with respiratory disorders, decreased urine volume, petechiae, indicates the development of sepsis – a generalized infection that is life-threatening and requires immediate, multidirectional treatment.
  4. Fever in infants, short-lived and rather not exceeding 38 degrees Celsius, may also appear in the course of teething. The baby is then crying, awake at night, and salivating excessively. The gum above the erupting tooth is red and swollen, it hurts and itches. The baby then puts various items in its mouth, as rubbing the gums somewhat alleviates the discomfort. The child can be relieved by giving chilled teethers to chew, massaging the gums with, for example, an analgesic gel.
  5. A fever in infants may cause seizures. A generalized or focal seizure may occur in a child over 6 months of age who has a temperature above 38 degrees C. It should be examined by a doctor who will rule out more serious causes of the seizure, such as meningeal infection or neurological disorders. A child who has had a febrile seizure once has a high risk of recurrence, so prevent further infections (by vaccinating the child, isolating from sick people, etc.), and use antipyretic drugs in the event of an episode of fever.

Infant fever – what to do?

Even when the fever rises, it is worth covering the toddler with a blanket. However, when the temperature stabilizes, be careful not to overheat it. A thin piece of clothing will work well. The baby should be given plenty of fluids (nursing women should latch the baby to the breast frequently, but for a short time). Drinks should be served in small doses, teas or fruit juices diluted with water work best.

It should be remembered that a fever in an infant causes him to lose his appetite – so do not force him to feed him. Also, the room in which the child is present should not be too dry and hot. Special humidifiers work well for air humidification, if you do not have them – you can put a wet towel on the radiator. For babies with temperatures above 39 degrees Celsius, apply cool compresses to the forehead and groin. Take advantage of special compresses available on Medonet Market. We recommend, for example: FLEX Mini compress for cold and warm compresses. It is worth ordering Fever kit: contactless thermometer + gel compress, thanks to which you can conveniently check the temperature and you will be able to react immediately by cooling the body.

Infant fever – positive sides

The fever has its positive aspects. It is a symptom of the body’s defensive reaction. A mild fever speeds up the metabolism, which at the same time stimulates the formation of antibodies. It is also worth knowing that fever destroys viruses.

Remember! A prolonged fever can sometimes have the opposite effect. As a result, the body needs more water, oxygen and energy. As a consequence, the child may become dehydrated or exhausted.

How To Treat A Fever In Babies?

In the treatment of fever, paracetamol and ibuprofen are used in children, while metamizole is ineffective (persistent and high temperature). Preparations reducing fever are given to a child when the temperature (measured through the anus) exceeds 38,5 degrees Celsius. It is dangerous then because it can make the heart and lungs work faster and cause seizures. The dose of the drug should be adjusted individually to the age and weight of the child, and detailed information on this is provided in the leaflet of each medicine. It is recommended to administer preparations in the form of suppositories, because there is no risk that the child will throw up due to stress and excessive crying.

Moderate fever (low-grade fever) does not require medication. You can put cool compresses on the forehead and neck of the child, and wrap his calves with a wet towel (necessarily soaked in water at room temperature). You can also use a cooling bath (absolutely do not put the baby in cold water!). The water temperature should be two degrees lower than that of the toddler.

Your baby has a fever and you don’t know if to get paracetamol or ibuprofen? You can talk to your doctor quickly and conveniently over the Internet. For this purpose, use the online advice and make an appointment for a consultation without leaving your home, at any time of the day or night.

When should a doctor be called?

Medical assistance should be called in the following cases:

  1. you have had febrile seizures (they are the body’s reaction to a rapidly rising temperature; the child may experience rhythmic muscle contractions, and sometimes even loss of consciousness; febrile seizures usually last a few minutes and may resemble epilepsy; this condition requires medical attention as soon as possible),
  2. the baby cries desperately (especially when cuddling),
  3. vomiting and diarrhea appeared,
  4. the child is sleepy and weak,
  5. the toddler is over-stimulated,
  6. neck stiffness
  7. there are disturbances in consciousness (hallucinations, anxiety),
  8. there are red spots on the child’s skin,
  9. the baby’s urine is dark yellow, it does not drool or cries without tears – this may be a sign of dehydration.

If, as parents, you are concerned about the health of your child, it is worth doing diagnostic tests to check if your child is developing properly.

bow. med. Aleksandra Czachowska

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