Ferritin analysis

Ferritin analysis

Definition of ferritin

La ferritine is a protein which is inside the cell and binds to fer, so that it is available when needed.

It is present in the liver rates, the skeletal muscles bone marrow and in the blood circulation in smaller quantities. Moreover, the amount of ferritin in the blood is directly linked to the amount of iron stored in the body.


Why do a ferritin test?

The determination of ferritin indirectly measures the amount of iron in the blood.

It can be prescribed for:

  • find a cause in case of anemia
  • detect the presence of inflammation
  • detect hemochromatosis (excess iron in the body)
  • assess how well a treatment to increase or decrease the level of iron in the body is working


The ferritin review

The determination of ferritin is carried out by a blood sample venous, usually at the crease of the elbow.

Certain conditions can affect the dosage of ferritin:

  • have received a blood transfusion within the last 4 months
  • have had an x-ray in the last 3 days
  • certain medications, such as birth control pills
  • a diet rich in red meat

The doctor may ask to be fasting for 12 hours before the ferritin test.


What results can we expect from a ferritin analysis?

The concentration of ferritine is normally between 18 and 270 ng / ml (nanograms per milliliter) in men, between 18 and 160 ng / ml in women, and it varies between 7 and 140 ng / ml in children.

Note that the so-called normal values ​​may vary slightly depending on the laboratories performing the analyzes (the standard may also vary according to the sources: between 30 and 300 ng / ml in men and 15 and 200 ng / ml in women). The level of ferritin also varies according to age, sex, physical exertion, etc.

A high level of ferritin (hyperferritinémie) in the blood can be a sign of many diseases:

  • an hemochromatosis : a very high blood level of ferritin (over 1000 ng / ml) can be caused by this genetic disease
  • chronic alcoholism
  • malignant conditions such as Hodgkin’s disease (cancer of the lymphatic system) or leukemia
  • inflammatory disease such as arthritis or lupus, Still’s disease
  • damage to the pancreas, liver or heart
  • but also by certain types of anemia, or even repeated blood transfusions.

On the contrary, a low level of ferritin (hypoferritinemia) in the bloodstream is usually a sign of iron deficiency. In question :

  • significant blood loss, especially during heavy periods
  • pregnancy
  • a lack of iron from the diet
  • bleeding in the intestinal tract (ulcers, colon cancer, hemorrhoids)

Read also :

What is anemia?

Our fact sheet on Hodgkin’s disease


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