Fatal errors in nutrition and their correction
In order for life to bring joy, to be long and happy, a person must follow the rules of a healthy lifestyle (healthy lifestyle). The most important rules are proper nutrition and sufficient physical activity. These two points are like two twin brothers, which must be inseparable, and both must be present in life.

This article will provide information on the mistakes that people often make unknowingly in their diet. But these mistakes can seriously affect them. Therefore, it is very important to eliminate them, after which the quality of life will improve.

This is the most common and most dangerous health mistake. Because food that has not had time to be fully assimilated begins to rot in the intestines. This mistake will also quickly lead to weight gain. That is why the basics of healthy and dietary nutrition say that you need to eat often, but at the same time, the portion on the plate should be minimal.

The body expends a lot of energy to process the food we eat. It is spent on the breakdown of food into components such as micro- and macronutrients. Therefore, if you eat more food than the body needs, then much more energy will be required for digestion. Hence the fatigue and the desire to lie on the couch after dinner.

But the body needs to spend energy to fulfill its other needs. For example, a function like cleansing is extremely important to him. If it is insufficiently performed, this immediately affects the well-being and manifests itself with symptoms such as untimely bowel movements, eczema and dermatitis on the skin.


All harmful food that enters the body can leave its marks on it. It can also manifest itself as dermatitis and feeling unwell, or pimples on the face can form.

If you constantly eat food in which there are a lot of fast carbohydrates, while forgetting about the need for physical activity, excess weight in this case is provided. And this is already fraught with the acquisition of type XNUMX diabetes, which appears in people due to obesity.

Water is an integral part of the human body. In a newborn child, the body consists of about 85% of it, and in old people – only 50%.

Therefore, there is no need to prove the obviousness of the need for water for a person.

It is constantly necessary for every cell of the body, all vital processes cannot do without it.

You should drink about two liters of water per day. It is best to drink water, rather than tea or sugary drinks in general, which increase weight.

To restore harmony in the body, all these mistakes must be corrected.

We eat often, but at the same time the portion on the plate is minimal.

This is the main condition for a healthy diet. The sooner this fact is accepted as an axiom, the faster the results will be. This way of eating can be called diet for weight loss.

To make it easier to calculate the calories eaten from food, you can keep a diary where you write down your entire daily diet. It can be a paper notebook or a smartphone app. With this, it is easy to determine which product is superfluous and unnecessary.

People often seize a bad mood with all sorts of delicacies. And it helps, but not for long, and the next portion of sweet to maintain the mood will be needed very soon. And all this is fraught with excess weight gain.

The diet should only contain healthy foods.

For normal full-fledged work, the human body, like a car – gasoline, needs high-quality, varied and healthy food. What is hidden under this concept? The human diet should contain: proteins (meat or dairy), vegetables, cereals, fruits. If there is papaya, bananas, avocados and apples, and nothing else, then this is a non-varied diet. The exception is people who adhere to a raw food diet. Such a diet also has a right to exist.

Food must be thermally processed in the oven or steamed, in which case it retains all the necessary vitamins.

The diet must be filled with fiber (vegetables, fruits), it is necessary for intestinal motility.

Drink enough water.

You should drink about two liters of water per day. Water should be consumed, because if you drink tea, juice or coffee, then the body will have to try to turn them all the same into water.

If you eliminate these mistakes from your diet, you can immediately feel better. And if you are overweight, then this is not for long. Because the combination of healthy nutrition with exercise is the key to a good figure and health.

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