Eyewitness stories about mothers

There are women for whom the fact that she gave birth makes her a goddess. She is firmly convinced that this whole world was started only so that she could give birth, and all the rest – to her for it.

The whole Internet makes fun of them. They try to bypass them on the playground. They scandal on public transport. But they don’t care. After all, #yazhmat is never wrong, she is always right, she knows what is best – for her child, for you, for the whole world. Sometimes it’s funny and sometimes it’s scary.

On the Internet, we found some of the wildest stories with the hashtag #yazhmat.

“I walked with my dog ​​(small, Jack Russell Terrier) in the park with other dog lovers. We communicate, the dog runs, has fun and does not bode well. Mom comes up to me and asks politely if the child can pet the dog. She loves my children, so she allowed. The boy had a ball, he started playing with my dog. Everything is nice and cool. A friend called me, I was distracted (for half a minute), I confess. I turn around, and the dog presses my tail and presses my ears. But the boy throws the ball, she cheers up again, and I start looking at them, standing next to them five steps away. “Wonderful” mother says to the cub: hit the nose. A boy (about 6 years old) hits my dog ​​on the nose with a swing, and my mother laughs, slaps him. I shouted at her, took the dog away, and she told me: “Are you sorry to play, or what? He’s having fun. And this is just a dog. “

“Due to a spinal injury, I have been moving in a wheelchair for 5 years. In the summer, my friend’s family and I went to a village where there is a river. The coast is rocky, so we took a place close to the water, so that I could crawl into the water on the sand without crippling my feet on the stones. At first, a couple of children just poked their fingers at me, to which I was used to and waited for their mother to crack their hands, but exactly the opposite happened. It turns out that I interfered with myself and my stroller for the children, because it makes them uncomfortable to run to the river. And I scare them with my body movements. There was a lot of shout: they say, disabled people have no place in territories where there are children. “

3. Cheated – count, saved

“The park has a trampoline for the little ones. 10 minutes costs one hundred rubles. Today I saw mothers who left children on a trampoline unattended for 30-40 minutes and just went about their business. Time is over, and there is nowhere to go to children, parents are not around. What is left for the owners of the attraction? We left them on the trampoline. The mothers come back, take the children and leave – of course, they don’t want to hear about any additional payment ”.

4. My child is my property

“18 years old, aspiring model. Mother is categorically against, she thinks that they will sell me into slavery or just become a whore. A contract with a prestigious modeling agency, against the wishes of her mother, flew to Asia. I flew well, a promising trip to Milan looms ahead. I came home for a couple of days, I tell my parents about everything, my mother seems to have thawed out. Only the next day I woke up without eyebrows. The mother has shaved off. She didn’t want me to toil with nonsense, and in general it was necessary to get married and give birth. There should be a flight tomorrow, but I’m already in flight, apparently ”.

5. Mother can’t be guilty

“We come to the call, three children, and the call is not for children, but for grandmother. Children run around the apartment like crazy, there are three huge pots on the stove. Children (three, four and six years old) are jumping around these ten-liter containers of boiling water. To my remark and warning, my mother reacted with a grin like “none of your business”. The grandmother was taken to the hospital, and in the evening our pediatricians went to the same address and hospitalized a three-year-old girl with burns of 70 percent of her body. Mother screamed that it was a doctor in the morning and “screeched”.

Here we will not say anything, just show.

And here is practically an instruction on how to deal with such lovers of free cheese.

7. Self-preservation instinct? No, you haven’t heard

«Walking with my watchdog today. The watchdog is beautiful, Dogo Canary breed. The dog is serious, protective. Mother and child are walking towards. The child sees the dog and runs towards it with a hoot. The dog is trained what children are – he knows. So we just stop and let ourselves be touched. Suffered, the child runs to the mother and shouts that he wants this dog. A woman comes up to me and says that her child liked the dog. I warn you that the breed is very difficult and it is better to have something simpler. I have not yet understood who I am talking to.

“You don’t understand, my child liked this dog.

I say that in those kennels that I know and can recommend – there are no puppies now, and it is not worth taking from breeders.

“No, you don’t understand. He liked this particular dog.

And then I begin to understand that the matter is unclean. I say that this is my dog, I am not going to sell it to anyone.

Taking in more air in her chest, the child’s mother began to shout all over the street that I stole her dog and would not give it back. Several passers-by stopped and began to be indignant that some bum (not that I was one, but I put on quite old and very dirty clothes for a walk) was stealing a dog from a family with a child.

Uvoshniki rode by, stopped. Given my appearance and my mother and child, the police could have sided with her.

While the woman was telling the police how I ran up, snatched the leash from the child’s hands, my brains finally coped with the unexpected and began to work.

I give the command to “sit” and throw the leash to the ground. I say:

– Well, if yours – take it.

My dog ​​listens completely to me, and secondarily to my wife. He will not listen to anyone else. And now a woman, seemingly 50 kilograms, is trying to forcefully pull the leash, which is attached to a 60-kilogram dog. This demonstration, oddly enough, was enough for passers-by and the police. Laughing, they left, but the woman was still trying to move the dog from its place.

I’m fed up with this farce. I did a terrible thing – I removed the muzzle from the dog. And then he gave the command to “guard”. I picked up the leash just in case.

One growl was enough for the child and mother to hurry about their business. How they planned to cope with such a dog themselves, if I give the dog to them – I don’t know. To me it looked like trying to win a Darwin award. A dog whose distrust of strangers has been elevated to an absolute would have destroyed this idiot after the first minutes alone. In a word, a suicide. “

8. Toilet – where the urge is

“Once we went with a friend in a minibus – a gazelle of 15 seats. At the next stop two women come in with a horde of children. One is still quite small, the other is 3-4 years old. We gave way to them, we stand with a friend at the door.

After a few minutes, the older child begins to whine that he wants to use the toilet. The woman takes him, brings him to the door (where we are, I remind you), takes off his pants and says: “Piss!” The minibus continues to go. I was outraged. And she in response began to shout that I do not understand anything, I have no children, that would be my own, I would understand! When asked if she allows the child to write on the floor at home, she answered with mats. One woman reasonably noted that if a child does not know how to endure, then let him wear diapers. The rest of the passengers somehow came to life, began to shout to the driver to stop. He was dumbfounded, slowed down, forced the mother to go out into the street and do her maternal affairs on the street (right on the road, why take the child far?).

The rest of the way I listened that I have “neither a child, nor a kitten,” and in general I am a street girl, where such people are only bred. “

“I’m sitting at home, noon, it’s hot outside, the window is open. From the playground in the courtyard, the stern voice of a young mother can be heard: “Peppa. Peppa! Peppa, come here, whoever I say! ” I would like to believe that Peppa is a dog, not a child who will soon go to school. ”

10. Didn’t give birth – not a person

“Today I decided to meet with my school friend, we haven’t seen each other for five years after graduation. I, of course, took the baby to the meeting: Marishka with Sonechka and Little Lerka. So, I’m calling her to ask. What kind of children’s playroom are we going to. And she says, they say, what a game library, she thought, we’ll sit in a cafe, drink coffee or order good wine from sushi. And that she has no children! I didn’t meet with her. At 22, there are no children, what to talk about with her, with a childless drunkard ”.

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