How to wear a child seat and not overstrain

It turns out we did it wrong the whole time.

Up to 6-7 months, while the baby is still unable to sit, he spends most of the time in a crib, in a stroller, or in a car seat. The latter rarely stays in the car. Usually, in order not to wake up the baby, we have to pull the chair on ourselves: home, in a cafe, in a store.

Mothers of babies are well aware of how their hands hurt from a car seat. It itself weighs 3 or more kilograms. Let’s add 3-7 kilos, which babies weigh from the first days of life to six months. Total: almost 10 kilograms. At the same time, it is not so comfortable to carry the chair. The handle presses hard, leaving marks on the skin. You have to constantly outweigh a heavy chair from one hand to the other, so as not to overstrain.

The mother of two children put an end to parental torment, she is also a chiropractor Emily Puente. An American doctor posted a detailed video instruction on how to wear a child seat without harm to health.

“You won’t have any pain in your shoulder or hip, which usually hurts against the car seat,” Emily assured.

So what the doctor advises:

1. Turn the chair with your baby to face you.

2. Place your hand under the handle of the car seat.

3. Instead of bending your arm at the elbow in the usual way, straighten it. At the same time, twist the brush so that you can support the chair by its bottom.

Emily’s video has nearly a million views. We checked her advice on ourselves. We can say with confidence that the life hack really works! And no, you won’t drop a child with an armchair.

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