Eye drops withdrawn

Five series of popular drops for senile cataracts will disappear from Polish pharmacies. This is an order from the Chief Pharmaceutical Inspector.

It is a Quinax produced by Alcon-Couvreur from Belgium. The decision is dictated by the fact that over time, but before the expiry date declared by the manufacturer, the concentration of the active substance in the preparation decreases.

If you use these drops, check in your home medicine cabinet if the bottle is from one of these series: 15K 17RC – expiration date April 2017, 15 L02SB – expiry date May 2017, 16A29CA – expiration date June 2017, 16B22BA – expiration date July 2017, 16D12CA – expiration date September 2017.

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And if you are just going to buy them, ask your pharmacist if you accidentally came across a product from the (theoretically) withdrawn series.

Source: GIF

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