Eye drops – types, side effects. How to properly instill your eyes?

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Eye drops are a popular product. Our eyes are tired and dry, so we often reach for moisturizing drops. Regardless of their type, many people do not cover their eyes properly. Therefore, they do not give the expected results. What should you know about eye drops? How to properly instill your eyes?

Eye drops can be purchased at the pharmacy. These are preparations that we reach for during various irritations, inflammations and eye diseases. We apply them with a dropper, directly on the eye, into the conjunctival sac. Eye drops have a different composition and it depends on the medical condition or ailments.

Eye drops – types

Eye drops have different functions today. We have a huge selection of them in pharmacies. The main types of drops include:

  1. drops containing tetryzoline hydrochloride – they have a vasoconstrictor effect. They should not be used for more than 5 days. They can lead to brief visual disturbances;
  2. eye and conjunctiva moisturizing drops – their task is to moisturize the tired eye. These are, for example, physiological salts whose composition resembles a very natural tear film. They are ideal for people who wear contact lenses and allergy sufferers. This group of eye drops includes homeopathic preparations containing firefly and calendula, but also eye drops containing sodium hyaluronate, which also soothes irritated eyes. Remember, however, that preservative-free drops may be contaminated with pathogenic microorganisms that may be harmful;
  3. eye drops containing a preservative – benzalkonium chloride. These drops may cause a temporary hazy vision, redness, and a stinging sensation;
  4. Prescription eye drops – often contain steroids, antihistamines, sympathomimetic drugs, prostaglandins, and other active substances.

Order eye drops online, go to Medonet Market now and order Lakroft moisturizing eye drops.

Eye drops – correct instillation

Using eye drops is a huge problem for many people. This task is neither easy nor pleasant. Improperly used drops can cause irritation. As a result, we are accompanied by a feeling of discomfort. Of course, incorrectly sprinkled drops will not give the desired effect and the entire treatment must be repeated.

The first step in using eye drops is to wash your hands thoroughly. Any contamination that could potentially come into contact with the eye should be removed. To put your eyes on well, it is good to tilt your head back or lie down. The lower eyelid should be tilted downwards so that the eye drops do not flow beyond its area and enter the conjunctival sac.

The dropper should be held at a height of 1-2 cm from the eye, closer to the outer corner of the eye. After instillation, apply pressure to the tear point to prevent drops from getting there. Many people forget about this activity. You can also close the eyelids for a few seconds to distribute the drops well over the eyeball.

When using eye drops, remember that the conjunctival sac takes 1 drop, so it is not worth instilling more drops into the eyes. The excess will be removed anyway. The advantage of this situation is that we do not have to worry about adding too much preparation.

Also, be careful that the tip of the dropper does not touch the eyelashes or the skin, as this may transfer contamination. When using several types of eye drops, there should be an interval of at least 15 minutes between applications. Thanks to this, all preparations will work.

To prevent the drops from losing their properties, store them in a dry place at room temperature. The sun’s rays can weaken their effect.

Usually contact lenses should be removed temporarily before applying the eye drops.

Eye drops – side effects

When using eye drops, it is worth sticking to the above rules. Incorrectly used drops, for example for glaucoma, can cause shortness of breath, dizziness and fatigue. If they are used as intended, they will quickly bring relief to our eyes, alleviate the symptoms of allergies or conjunctivitis.

Before use, read the leaflet, which contains indications, contraindications, data on side effects and dosage as well as information on the use of the medicinal product, or consult your doctor or pharmacist, as each drug used improperly is a threat to your life or health.

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