“Either you drink milk or eat meat” – a conversation about milk

Some vegetarians are prejudiced against cow’s milk. This gave me the idea to create a material in which a healthy nutrition specialist would debunk the myth about the “harmfulness” of milk. I think that such information, if it does not unequivocally convince the opponents of milk, will at least be useful to the “doubters”, because according to Ayurveda, the science of healthy eating created for vegetarians, milk is the basis, the “heart” of vegetarianism and a healthy life. Evgeny Cherepanov, a student of the famous Ayurvedic expert O.G., answered the questions of the magazine. Torsunova, who conducts rehabilitation with non-traditional methods of treatment. At the Ayurvedic Center O.G. Torsunova Evgeny conducts consultations and selection of diets for patients, and as a personal practice he studies the issues of spiritual self-improvement, deepens his knowledge of yoga, meditation, and leads a healthy lifestyle himself. – Eugene, first, please tell me the main thing: is milk harmful or beneficial? “First of all, one must ask oneself, why am I here, what am I living for? And so, why do we eat? There are, in fact, two main points of view on this question: either I live and eat for the body, or I eat for the mind. The point of being a vegetarian is not to be healthy, but to learn to love. Accept the people around you for who they are. The Lord manifests itself for us through the people around us, and of course, it is easier to learn to serve people than God at first – and by serving people, you serve God. Vegetarianism is not only a nutrition system, it is an integral part of the lifestyle and philosophy of those who strive for spiritual perfection. The same can be said about drinking milk. There are authoritative data that milk is good for consciousness, for spiritual development, that milk nourishes the subtle structures of the brain, gives strength to the mind. Therefore, answering your question, we can definitely say that yes, of course, milk is healthy! But there are people in whose body milk is not digested – so they often raise a fuss that supposedly milk is generally “harmful”. If they want to develop spiritually, they first need to restore the digestive system, and then gradually include milk in their diet, it can be highly diluted (in a ratio of 1:3 or 1:4 with water), and the body will gradually get used to it. There are, of course, other methods. In Ayurveda, one of the foundations of treatment is the restoration of the so-called “digestive fire”, how the digestive system works – this determines overall health. Milk is especially important for those involved in spiritual development. First of all, the benefits of milk are determined by the fact that it acts on the fine structures of the brain – like no other product! If we consume dairy products, this opens up the possibility of self-improvement. Milk gives strength to the mind – the strength to see where to strive, to see your right and wrong deeds, gives you the ability to discern and direction in life – in fact, wisdom. The Prophet Muhammad argued that the best milk is cow’s milk and urged his followers: drink milk, because it reduces the heat of the heart, gives strength to the back, nourishes the brain, renews eyesight, enlightens the mind, relieves forgetfulness, allows you to determine the value of things. If any product is mentioned with such praise in the scriptures of any religion, is it probably worth listening to? All these statements from the Koran fully correspond to the data of Ayurveda and Vedic knowledge in general. Products in Ayurveda are divided into three types according to their effect on consciousness, because. they give us three different qualities: sattva (goodness), rajas (passion) or tamas (ignorance). Foods in goodness (sattvic) are those that help us tune in to life correctly, see all things as they are, and make us happier. The ignorant, on the contrary, cloud the mind, develop negative character traits. Rajasic – give activity, the ability to act actively, which sometimes leads to overstrain. In the mode of goodness (Sattva) there is most of the vegetables, sweet fruits, spices, honey and also dairy products. Also, milk is one of the strategic reserves, which is called Ojas. Ojas is a reserve of strength that is used up when a person experiences physical (illness, excessively hard work) or mental stress or suffering. It accumulates naturally when we go to bed on time: i.e. from 21:24 to XNUMX:XNUMX. And also when we pray. In general, when we are in goodness, there is an accumulation of Ojas energy. Of the products, Ojas gives only Corvi milk. And when there is no Ojas, it is useless to be treated, and first of all, the correct daily regimen, the use of milk, and spiritual practice are prescribed. Ayurveda also says that cow’s milk is “anupana” – an auxiliary substance or conductor that delivers certain substances to diseased cells. In a word, milk is useful for healthy people, and especially for convalescents. “Some people claim that milk makes their stomach bloat, they get fetid gases, or they get fat from drinking milk regularly. What is it connected with? – The fact is that milk is important to take at the right time of day. The famous physician of the past, Hippocrates, said that food should be taken in such a way that food becomes your medicine – otherwise medicines will become your food! This is a very true remark, in relation to everything, and will also apply to milk. There is a law that in Ayurveda is called “Desha-Kala-Patra” (place-time-circumstances). That is, it is important when, how much and how to take food. Many of those who have tried milk and concluded that it is not suitable for them simply did not have the knowledge of how and, more importantly, when! – is the right thing to do. Misuse of milk actually clogs the tissues (dhatu) and channels (srotos) in both the gross and subtle body, and this leads to the formation of mucus and toxins in the physical body, and can also contribute to fullness, which leads to a decrease in immunity and development diseases. In addition, there are certain contraindications for which it is generally impossible to take milk until recovery: with internal bleeding, with migraines of a cold nature, with neuritis, with numbness of the mucous membranes, with ringing in the ears, etc. In Ayurveda, each product (out of hundreds available to vegetarians) is assigned a certain period, or schedule, by the hour, when it is optimal to take this product during the day. Milk is a “lunar product”, it is digested by the power of the moon, and it should be taken at night, after 19 pm. From 3 am to 6 am you can drink even cold milk (without boiling), it will still be properly digested.  Milk is recommended for Vata and Pitta doshas, ​​and for Kapha – individually, you need to look at the state of the body and the nature of the Doshas. Anyone who has a weak digestive system can drink diluted milk with hot water. Drinking milk during the day is usually unfavorable, it is recommended only by doctor’s prescription, for example, when there is a lot of fire in the body as a manifestation of strong Mars in women: the woman has a constant fever, anger, nervousness, increased activity. Then the milk is prescribed to drink all day. – There is an opinion that cow’s milk is not digested by the body of an adult, that it is difficult to digest food that burdens the stomach. What can you say about that? – There can be no two opinions. Traditional medicine has long proven that cow’s milk is perfectly digested by adults! In the laboratory of Academician Pavlov, it was found that of all food for the digestion of milk in the body of a healthy person, the weakest gastric juice is required. It turns out that milk is the easiest food to digest! The question is closed. However, there are people with lactose intolerance who need special restoration of the body’s ability to digest milk. Such people are in the minority. – What other useful properties of cow’s milk can you note? – Milk is an antidote, it removes radionuclides, toxins from the body. It helps with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Milk is used for stomach ulcers, hyperacidity, heartburn, gastritis: it “cools”; also used in some pulmonary, nervous and mental diseases. Milk calms, has a beneficial effect on the mind, increases enthusiasm, improves memory, normalizes metabolism, improves immunity, makes our character more good-natured and compassionate, and this is the most important thing. It is used for exhaustion, fatigue, anemia. It is very important for vegetarians! Some holy people live on the same milk and fruits – products that give the power of Sattva, goodness. But it certainly isn’t for everyone, and neither are dairy fasts. These practices are only for people whose consciousness is ready for a new understanding of things. For the vast majority of ordinary people, such a diet or such a fast will only cause bloating, gas and indigestion. What kind of milk is the healthiest? Cow? Or goat? Or maybe buffalo, as it’s more fatty? – In the Vedas there is an exact indication of the gradations of different types of milk, according to its usefulness. The most useful is cow, then goat, buffalo, mare, elephant, and the last on the list is camel, it is the weakest in usefulness. It is best to drink milk, as they say, from under the cow – in the first 30 minutes after milking, until it has cooled down. The best milk comes from the cow you take care of yourself. But of course not everyone can keep a cow these days! Slightly worse than “your own” milk – purchased from a small farm, such milk is sold in special health food stores. It is 3-4 times more expensive than packaged, but this is a completely different product! In the following days after milking, already standing, even pasteurized milk is still useful, provided it is prepared correctly. You should drink the milk that is available to you. You can even say this: if you do not drink milk, you will eat meat. Because if you do not develop the spiritual, then you will develop in the material, and spiritually “be in a pause.” Therefore, we need to choose those products that are the least harmful, the most useful, and at the same time affordable for us – isn’t that what all vegetarians do? Vegetables and fruits, too, are not always available in the countryside: in large stores everything is “plastic” or “rubber”. But you have to choose from what is available. The most important thing is to consecrate food by offering it to God – then it is filled with spiritual energy. It is necessary to boil milk in a calm mood, and if the wife prepares food, including milk for her husband, this is ideal. When you cook food, you put your mindset into it, your attitude towards those for whom you do it, and this is the most important thing. When preparing food, you need to put a positive attitude into it, or rather, love and selflessness – if you have it. The best way to consecrate food is by praying and offering food to God. – Do you think cow’s milk is not a product of the “exploitation” of cows, as some believe? Is it humane to “take” milk from a cow? E.Ch.: Milk is a product of love, but not only the love of a cow for a calf, as some people think. It is also the love, gratitude of the cow for the people who fed her, who looked after her. After all, it’s not the calf that feeds the cow, it’s not the calf that cleans up after her, it’s not the calf that takes care of her, right? The cow is a developed mammal, she understands everything, or at least feels. She gives more milk than the calf needs – so that not only the calf is enough, but also the people who take good care of her. A mistreated cow has less milk – and vice versa, if you take an “unlucky” cow and start caring for her well, correctly and with love, she begins to give more milk. My colleagues and I had such a case – a cow, tortured by negligent villagers, which stopped giving milk, in the sensitive hands of loving people, became a milk cow again in a month. Surprisingly, it is a fact: she began to give milk even more than “ordinary” cows! She seemed to enjoy being kind. She was then decorated for the holidays. The ancient scriptures of India described cow’s milk as Amrita – literally “the nectar of immortality”! There are many mantras (prayers) in all four Vedas which describe the importance of cow and cow’s milk not only as a perfect food but also as a medicinal drink. The Rig Veda states: “Cow’s milk is amrita… so protect the cows.” Aryans (pious people), in their prayers for the freedom and prosperity of the people, also prayed for cows, which give a lot of milk for the country. It is also said that after living in the body of a cow, this soul will be born in a human body … It must also be said that in terms of usefulness, a cow is unique among all animals: after all, it gives as many as six products: milk, cream, curdled milk, fermented baked milk, sour cream , cottage cheese and butter. How should milk be prepared? Should it be boiled? Doesn’t that kill the nutrients? – Milk contains all the microelements necessary for the human body. They are not “killed” by boiling. How to take milk? The main rule is that it must be hot, that’s when we get all the benefits of milk, then it cleans our channels. Cold milk clogs the subtle channels of our body. Therefore, some skeptics note that they allegedly “get better from milk” – they just drank it cold, then it is not good. Moreover, in order for milk to become balanced in its effect on the body, it must be brought to a boil three times (this adds the nature of fire to it) and then poured from glass to glass seven times (this adds the nature of air). Such milk is optimal in terms of effects. Is it possible to add various spices to milk to diversify its taste? What do you recommend? “Everything is individual, and each person will have their own spice. From spices to milk I recommend cardamom, fennel, turmeric, nutmeg, allspice, cloves. If we sleep badly, drink milk with nutmeg, allspice or cloves. If digestion is not very – with turmeric. I want to emphasize: ideally, of course, all spices are selected individually. And in our Ayurvedic Center, we test products for patients. I do not recommend adding ginger to milk, especially in the cold season, because. it has the property of ginger – it warms in the warm season, and cools in winter, it can cause a cold if you drank milk with ginger and immediately went out into the cold. Some people like milk with saffron, but in general saffron is a morning spice, not an evening spice, like cinnamon. Milk and salt do not mix. It also cannot be mixed with sour fruits and vegetables (for example, oranges, tomatoes.) You can not add milk to porridge boiled in water (for example, oatmeal or pearl barley) – it is better to boil them in milk. Although milk is considered a lunar product and should be drunk in the evening, porridge can be boiled on it, as it undergoes heat treatment. Hot milk with honey at night cleans shrotas and nadiyas from toxins; Shrotos are a subtle ethereal space along which our gross body is formed. Nadias are the energy channels of the subtle structure of the human mind, which are designed for the movement of mental energy and prana. There are 72 of them in total, Ayurveda considers 000, of which 18 are the main ones and 000 are the most important. All of them gather in 108 main mental centers. – With milk, everything is clear. And how useful are dairy products, such as yogurt, fermented baked milk, sour cream, butter? – Cream is a useful product, especially for women, for harmonizing female hormonal functions. Buttermilk improves the digestive system. Cottage cheese cools and increases strength, strengthens bones. In winter, who often suffer from colds, you need to use cottage cheese mixed in a 1: 1 ratio with sour cream. Children can eat it all year round with sour cream, and adults can eat it favorably in summer and spring, but in winter it is better for them to cook their own cottage cheese casserole. Panir (Adyghe cheese) nourishes tissue membranes, increases muscle strength, it is used during physical work, and as a source of protein. It gives energy and calms. Men who find it difficult to get rid of meat in the diet can switch to paneer – they will be strong, calm, muscle mass will not suffer. Paneer can also be fried with ghee. Clarified butter – ghee – has clean solar energy, promotes tissue growth. It also increases Ojas, favorably affects weak digestion. In Ayurveda, it is especially useful for children, and people prone to pessimism, as well as women, to improve mood (in the morning) – you can cook breakfast on ghee. Ghee increases subtle energies, lowers cholesterol, tones the brain. If someone is cold – you need to smear ghee on the feet and palms at night – ghee will give warmth. If at the same time it’s hot for you to sleep at night, then smear your palms and feet in the morning, and not at night. In the evening, ghee soothes, and when consumed at night with hot milk, it calms the psyche, cleanses the sinuses. Ghee removes constipation, softens, therefore it is used for intestinal diseases, for all types of indigestion. In inflammatory processes, especially with otitis (ear inflammation), you need to suck on ghee; ghee with sugar and almonds treats purulent bronchitis. In diseases of the intestines, joints of the spine and with reduced pressure, it is useful to smear the hands from the wrist to the elbow and the legs from the ankles to the knees with a small amount (0,5 teaspoon) of warm ghee. For diseases of the spine, joints, vascular spasms, migraines, it is useful to suck ghee at night. With increased pressure, you can also smear warm ghee on the left arm and leg at night, and with reduced pressure, on the right. It is very useful for hypothermia associated with increased pitta to lubricate the body with warm ghee. But with increased Kapha, this cannot be done. With a decrease in immunity in infants, it is recommended to lubricate the body with warm ghee. If a child is smeared with warm ghee immediately after birth, he will be less sick. This is how they do it in India. Ghee is better to cook yourself, as store-bought may contain various chemical additives or animal fats. Ghee is used in 2 parts, honey in 1 part (improves tissue nutrition), and in a ratio of 1: 2 it is used to enhance digestion. Success comes to those who consume ghee. Such information is contained in the Charaka Samhita, an ancient treatise on medicine. Kefir, yogurt – passionate food. They are good to drink in summer and spring, they cool. You can in the morning and preferably with sugar, dried fruits or jam. They have a positive effect on the nervous system, on prana. In the morning and in the afternoon it is useful to drink kefir or homemade yogurt with a pinch of salt, sugar to taste, you can dilute it with water 1: 1 (you get lassi). Now, in winter, it is good to drink ryazhenka. It does not cause allergic reactions, strengthens the immune system. Ryazhenka is given to children with allergies.    Sour cream is a very nutritious and healthy product. It is especially good for female reproductive functions and the female hormonal system. Overweight women are advised to consume sour cream until 18 pm, thin women can use it all day. In this case, of course, fatty sour cream can be diluted with water. And the most important thing, my family, is to remember: everything is individual and according to well-being. And everything that we do in this life: we talk, drink, eat, act, communicate, work, build relationships – this is in order to be filled with love and learn to love from excess. Your Eugene. Thanks for the interesting and useful information!  

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