Eating pasta and not getting fat is real: 5 practical tips

Pasta is a source of B vitamins, which means it maintains the beauty of nails and hair, and also stimulates the brain. It’s also fiber, which helps the digestive system handle stress. The main thing is not to spoil the pasta, but to make your allies in the fight against hunger and weight gain. How to proceed – read right now. 

1. Choose solid

In order not to gain weight, you also need to choose durum wheat pasta. Durum wheat is high in protein and low in starch, lower in calories and rich in healthy sugars that regulate blood glucose levels. The hunger will not come quickly and the intervals between meals will increase.

2. Cook – at least 10 minutes

Instant noodles are not the best choice. Normal pasta should cook for at least 8-10 minutes and reach a slightly undercooked state for maximum benefit.


3. Only healthy sauces

Nutritionists have long established with authority that it is possible to eat pasta without prejudice to your figure. In the composition of pasta, there are practically no fats and the calorie content of a portion of pasta is small – up to 200 calories. It is dressings and sauces that threaten body weight, which significantly increase their calorie content and the amount of fat. 

After all, few people like to eat empty pasta. The way out is to cook vegetable-based dressings for pasta. For example, pesto sauce with parsley and walnuts, or baked peppers sauce with herbs and low-fat cream.

Vegetables such as tomatoes, zucchini, carrots, and baked cabbage make an excellent base for sauces. Just add some cheese or cream, spices to taste and whisk with a blender. And since the water in which the pasta is boiled also contains vitamins, add this broth to dilute the sauce to the desired consistency.

Nut butters are a great alternative to butter and mayonnaise. It also contains fats that are good for your body. Feel free to use seafood and meat for pasta dressing.

4. Do not cook – simmer and bake

You can also make the way you cook pasta healthier. For example, instead of cooking, try simmering pasta in the oven, mixing all the ingredients for the dressing beforehand. All vitamins and minerals will remain on your plate.

Another way to make pasta is with a casserole. Boil the pasta until half cooked, put in a mold, fill with vegetable filling, add the meat ingredients, cheese and send to the oven. Bake until golden brown.

5. Not just a side dish

Pasta can also be used to make warm, hearty salads. Cook your favorite vegetables by lightly frying them separately. Boil pasta and mix with vegetables, cheese chunks and herbs.

Recall that earlier we told in which case the pasta needs to be washed with water, and also shared the recipe for how to make pasta ourselves at home. 

Bon appetit! 

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