E551 Silicon Dioxide

Silicon dioxide (Silicon dioxide, silica, silicon oxide, silica, E551)

Silicon dioxide is a substance that is a food additive with the index E551, which is part of the group of emulsifiers and anti-caking substances (calorizator). Natural silicon dioxide is the mineral quartz, synthetic silicon dioxide is the product of silicon oxidation at high temperatures.

General Characteristics of Silicon Dioxide

Silicon dioxide is a solid crystalline substance without color, smell and taste, less often found in the form of a white loose powder or granules. The substance does not react with water, and is highly resistant to acids. Chemical formula: SiO2.

Chemical properties

Silicondioxide, silicon dioxide or e551 (compound index) is a crystalline, colorless, odorless substance with high hardness. It is silicon dioxide. Its main benefit is its resistance to acids and water, which explains the wide range of uses for silica.

Under natural conditions, it is found in most rocks, namely:

  • Topaz;
  • Morina;
  • Agate;
  • Jasper;
  • Amethyst;
  • Quartz.

When the temperature rises above normal, the substance reacts with alkaline structures, and also tends to dissolve in hydrofluoric acid.

There are three types of silicon dioxide in nature :

  • Quartz;
  • Tridymite;
  • Cristobalite.

In its amorphous state, the substance is quartz glass. But with increasing temperature, silicon dioxide changes properties, after which it turns into coesite or stishovite. In the food and medicine industry, it can be used in different ways, depending on the product and purpose.


The crystalline form is the most widespread when it comes to mining in natural conditions. Found in many minerals. It is mainly used in the construction industry, in the smelting of glass or ceramics. It is added to concrete to strengthen the structure, increase uniformity and viscosity. In construction, where the crystalline form is used, the purity of the dioxide does not play a special role.

Powdered or amorphous form – is extremely rare in nature. Predominantly as diatomaceous earth, which forms on the seafloor. For modern production, the substance is synthesized in artificial conditions.

Colloidal form – widely used in medicine. Most often used as an enterosorbent and thickener. It is also widely used in cosmetics and food products.

Benefits and harms of E551

In the gastrointestinal tract of the human body, silicon dioxide does not enter into any reactions, it is excreted unchanged. According to some unconfirmed reports, drinking water with a high content of silicon dioxide helps to reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s disease. The real harm the substance can cause when used in its pure form, if the dust of silicon dioxide gets into the respiratory tract, suffocation may occur.

It is important to understand that the benefits and harms of e551 are still being studied by science, therefore, final conclusions cannot be drawn in this regard. But all current research proves the safety of the compound, thanks to which it is approved for use in all countries.

When released into water, the compound does not dissolve, instead giving up its ions. This enhances the beneficial properties of water and purifies it at the molecular level, which explains the positive effect of silicon dioxide on the body. According to some studies, the constant use of such water can prolong youth and become a powerful tool for preventing Alzheimer’s disease and atherosclerosis, but these properties require more study and are currently more of a theory.

The same applies to the harm of silicon dioxide. It has been proven that it passes through the intestines without any changes and is fully excreted. However, some studies show possible negative effects from the intake of a substance in the body. Due to its insolubility in water, e551 can leave residue and interact with other substances in the body. Some scientists are critical and believe that this can cause kidney stones and even cancer. But such claims currently have no scientific evidence and may be commercial manipulation.

Silicon Dioxide Nanoparticles 7nm Nano Silica SiO2 Powder

Application of E551 in various fields

The use of silicon dioxide is truly massive. It is used in many areas. Many cosmetic or food products contain the substance in their composition. According to some reports, it is present in most foods, snacks, sweets, cheeses, spices, semi-finished products, etc. In modern production, it is used even in flour or sugar, as well as in other powdered substances.


Among non-food products, the compound is included in toothpastes, sorbents, medicines and other products. Also, the compound is still used in the production of rubber, to create refractory surfaces and other industries.

Use in medicine

E551 has been used in medicine for many years. It mainly acts as an enterosorbent. It is used as a white, odorless powder substance. May have a white-blue tint, which is also considered the norm. Consists of both in preparations for external and internal use. It is especially common in medicines aimed at accelerating skin regeneration and for the healing of purulent wounds, the treatment of mastitis and phlegmon. In addition to the main active ingredients, the substance itself is able to eliminate purulent and inflammatory processes, enhancing the effect of drugs.

Separately, as part of additives, Silicondioxide is used as an enterosorbent. In this case, it can accelerate the removal of toxins and even salts of heavy metals from the body. It is often present in the composition of drugs and emulsions aimed at reducing flatulence, which also enhances the effect of the drug.

Due to its absorbent and antimicrobial properties, the dioxide is added to almost all ointments, gels and creams. Especially medicines aimed at treating mastitis, inflammation, purulent and other wounds.

In general, due to the positive effect of e551 on the human body, the substance has become massive in pharmacology. Does not cause allergies. Often used as a separate supplement. More commonly available in powder form, although Eidon Mineral Supplements sells Ionic Minerals Silica in liquid form. The additive can be mixed with any liquid, which is quite convenient.

Separately, the use of silicon dioxide should be considered as a medicine for strengthening the cardiovascular system, preventing atherosclerosis and Alzheimer’s. The hypothesis that the substance is able to help and even prevent the development of these diseases was put forward by a German physiologist. However, these properties of the substance are currently under research and require more confirmation, therefore they are classified as unproven.


Application in cosmetology

Due to the influence of e551 on other compounds and positive properties, the substance is added to many cosmetics. For example, dioxide is found in almost all toothpastes, as it provides a powerful whitening effect. When ingested, it does no harm. In addition to toothpastes, dioxide is widely used in powders, scrubs, and other products. Moreover, its pronounced advantage is the versatility of e551 and the effect on all skin types. The substance helps to remove shine from sebum secretion, smoothes irregularities and wrinkles. It also contributes to a better cleaning of the dermis from dead cells.

Use in the food industry

Because silica is harmless and gives many foods the right consistency, it can be found in almost every food category. The emulsifier eliminates the formation of lumps, improves solubility. Due to the improvement of the flowability of the product, it is added to sugar, salt, flour, etc. E551 is found in most prepared foods such as chips, nuts and other snacks. The substance plays an important role and contributes to the improvement of the aroma. Dioxide is also added to cheeses to stabilize the texture of the product, especially when cut into thin slices.

Silicondioxide is widely used in liquid and alcoholic beverages. For example, in beer it is necessary to improve the stability and clarification of the drink. In vodka, cognac and other spirits, dioxide is necessary to neutralize the alkali and stabilize the acidity of the product.

The emulsifier is also included in almost all sweet foods, from cookies to brownies and cakes. The presence of e551 significantly increases the safety of the product. It also increases viscosity (density) and minimizes stickiness.

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