E239 Hexamethylenetetramine

Hexamethylenetetramine (Hexamethylene tetramine, hexametylene tetramine, methenamine, urotropin, hexamine, methenamine, E239).

Chemical formula C6H12N4.

Hexamethylenetetramine is a preservative of limited use.

It is used in cheese making, it is allowed for preserving granular salmon roe and for growing yeast masterbatch cultures.

Banned as a preservative in some countries.

In our country, until August 1, 2008, it was listed among “food additives that do not have a harmful effect on human health when used for the manufacture of food products”, then it was banned for food use.

Hexamethylenetetramine can be absorbed by the skin from solutions, and in some people it causes skin irritation that resembles an allergy.

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