Do-it-yourself molasses for fishing at home

Do-it-yourself molasses for fishing at home

Molasses is quite often used as an additive in fishing bait mixes to improve the nutritional value and give the bait mix an attractive flavor. As a rule, a similar product is used for catching carp, bream and roach. In addition, it should be added that the volume of the catch will seriously please, and the investment will be justified.

The use of molasses for greater fishing performance is considered a justified move. Unfortunately, the product is expensive and buying it all the time is expensive for the family budget. In this regard, the article will tell you how to make the mixture yourself at home.

Molasses bait: its features

Do-it-yourself molasses for fishing at home

The molasses bait is a brown syrup with a sweetish aftertaste and is the result of processing sugar beets into sugar.

The product has a specific smell and consists of the following components:

  • part is water.
  • Nitrogen and its derivatives make up about 10%.
  • Carbohydrates are half the product.
  • 10% is ash.

This means that this product is an excellent food for fish, since it contains a lot of carbohydrates.


Do-it-yourself molasses for fishing at home

Molasses has interesting taste characteristics, as well as an interesting aroma. This product has another name – “fodder molasses”. In some North American countries, this product is used as a dietary supplement, as well as for the preparation of all kinds of dishes, such as syrup. Molasses contains a sufficient amount of nutrients, which allows you to add it as a sweetener.

This product is also preferred by vegetarians, as it is purely of plant origin. In addition to most useful substances, molasses also contains calcium, including a whole bunch of vitamins. In most European countries, as well as in Russia, molasses is fed to livestock. Therefore, we can safely say that this is the product that fish will not refuse. But this product is not cheap.


  • Molasses consists of a large number of common amino acids and betaine, which have a beneficial effect on any living organism, including fish.
  • The presence of carbohydrates, in sufficient quantities, indicates a significant energy value, which allows you to fully saturate the underwater inhabitants.
  • Ash is a strong laxative for fish, which promotes the rapid emptying of the intestines of the fish. Therefore, saturation, as such, does not occur and the fish have to constantly eat.
  • Molasses is perfectly soluble in cold water, which is important in the process of winter fishing. It is considered an effective component for grafting fish in the winter.
  • Based on molasses, you can get both dry mixes and liquid baits, which is very convenient.

Based on the foregoing, such a component acts very effectively on the appetite of the fish, without participating in its saturation. Therefore, the fish constantly feels hungry and tries to replenish its stomach.

How to make DIY molasses bait

Do-it-yourself molasses for fishing at home

Molasses is a tool that can increase the angler’s catch several times. Due to the fact that the cost of the finished product is too high, not every angler can afford such a pleasure.

To still get hold of such a product attractive to fish, you will have to make it yourself. For real anglers, this is not a problem, because they constantly do what they do by making their own fishing accessories.

Molasses for fishing. Preparation of molasses for fishing.

Some anglers recommend the use of other drugs that have similar effects. To do this, you can use some vitamins – pops or aspirin. They are not expensive components, but they have the presence of colors and a variety of odors. Typically, the tablets are placed on top of the fish feeder.

Analogues of real molasses

Life shows that the effectiveness of fishing depends on the use of this bait. In order to somehow save money, the fishermen began to look for new components in order to create something similar. Making artificial molasses is not a problem if you use different ingredients along with spices such as cinnamon or coriander. You can read about the most effective recipes later in the article.

Need to know! Such bait should only be stored in the refrigerator, as it quickly becomes moldy and becomes unusable. Before adding molasses to groundbait, it should be allowed time to warm up to room temperature. At low temperatures, the product quickly becomes thick and difficult to handle. To pour molasses into another container, first you need to lubricate it with oil. In the refrigerator, the finished product can be stored for about one year.

Beet molasses

Do-it-yourself molasses for fishing at home

To get molasses from beets, you need to prepare water, sugar and beets. The presence of sugar somewhat complicates the process of manufacturing the product, but without it it is unlikely that it will be possible to create an ingredient that is attractive to fish and can improve the taste characteristics of the bait mixture.

How to cook beet molasses: cooking steps.

  • Peel the beets from the skin and finely grate.
  • After that, the beets are placed in a separate container and filled with water, in a ratio of 2: 1.
  • The beetroot is kneaded with hands until it releases juice.
  • As soon as the color of the beets changes closer to a brown tint, everything is filtered through gauze.
  • The procedure can be repeated by flooding the beets again with water and waiting for the water to change its color.
  • As an option, this is the use of a juicer: faster and better, as you can get a natural rich taste and aroma.
  • Beetroot juice is put on fire and about 5 tablespoons of sugar are added.
  • As soon as the juice boils, the fire is reduced to a minimum so that the product does not thicken.

If this is not done and the fire is not turned off in time, the syrup will thicken and become unusable.

The finished product is stored in a glass container in the refrigerator.

Honey molasses

Do-it-yourself molasses for fishing at home

A very easy way to cook molasses at home, all you need is honey, water and brown sugar.

How to do it:

  1. One tablespoon of honey and three tablespoons of brown sugar are taken, after which they are thoroughly mixed.
  2. Water is added to the main composition, in a ratio of one to three.
  3. The composition is put on fire until the sugar is completely dissolved.
  4. After boiling, the mixture is cooked for 5 minutes. If there is no honey, then you can use the following recipe.

sugar syrup

Do-it-yourself molasses for fishing at home

This method of making molasses at home is even simpler than the previous one, since only water and sugar are required.

Method of preparation:

  • In a separate, small container, 3 tablespoons of water are collected.
  • 7 tablespoons of sugar are added to the water.
  • You should not boil the solution, you just need to wait until the sugar is completely dissolved.

If you wish, you can boil the mixture for 2 minutes and get a better product. As the mixture cools, it is poured into glassware and sent to the refrigerator for storage.

Homemade molasses video recipe (doshab, bekmes).Doshab

Fruit molasses

Do-it-yourself molasses for fishing at home

Fruit molasses is prepared from those components that have the highest percentage of sugar. In addition, fruit-based molasses is obtained with very versatile tastes and aromas. An alternative would be grapes.

Cooking technique:

  1. The ripest and freshest grapes are taken for making juice. It will be faster if you use a juicer.
  2. If necessary, the juice is filtered through cheesecloth.
  3. The juice is boiled for about 10 minutes, until it partially thickens.

After that, the product can be used.


Prices for molasses for fishing

For 1 liter of such a substance on the market they ask for up to 600 rubles. At the same time, fishermen use the same product that is intended for feeding horses, since it costs a little less. As for efficiency, it is as high as in the case of using a special purchased liquid, which is several times more expensive.

Where to buy

Do-it-yourself molasses for fishing at home

Molasses for fishing is sold in any department for anglers, where ready-made dry mixes for bait are sold. Alternatively, it is sometimes easier to buy online, where there may be a greater choice. In addition, online stores can be cheaper. In addition, here you can get comprehensive information on how to use this product. In fishing stores you will not always meet a seller who is versed in these matters. This is very important if the angler does not have at least some experience in using baits.

Life shows that anglers are able to create with their own hands any fishing tackle, any bait, not to mention compositions for bait. They also coped with the creation of molasses at home, especially since it is not difficult at all. With very little effort, as well as a minimum of ingredients, you can get an effective tool that allows you to increase your catch several times over. As they say, everything ingenious is simple, if we take into account the technology of making molasses at home.

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