Dizziness – causes, diagnosis and treatment of balance disorders

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Dizziness is a common complaint. If they occur frequently, see a specialist as they may be a symptom of a serious medical condition. What types of vertigo do we distinguish? We check the diagnostics and treatment of vertigo and balance disorders in individual diseases.

Dizziness – definition

Dizziness is colloquially referred to as “vortices” as well as “dizziness”. Their frequency most often increases with age. Dizziness is caused by disturbances in the equilibrium system, which includes the labyrinth, its vestibular innervation and centers located in the brainstem, cerebellum, subcortical nuclei and the cerebral cortex.

It is worth remembering that there are two terms behind the concept of vertigo – the illusion of movement of the environment, one’s own body or head, and the imbalance combined with the impression of a fall. Dizziness is a common symptom indicated by patients.

  1. How is the brain built?

They can even be caused by a sharp change in body position from lying to sitting or from sitting to standing. However, if dizziness does not allow you to perform basic activities, you should visit a specialist – an otolaryngologist or a neurologist. On the border of these two specializations, a third has been distinguished, which is otoneurology. You can now conveniently schedule an appointment with a neurologist via the halodoctor.pl portal. The consultation will take place without leaving your home in the form of online consultation.

Types of dizziness

Vertigo can be divided into systemic and non-systemic according to the dual meaning of the definition. Systemic vertigo is therefore understood as the illusion of spinning the surroundings, one’s body or just the head. They are often accompanied by nausea and vomiting, as well as nystagmus and anxiety.

The patient is able to describe his symptoms objectively, unlike in non-systemic vertigo, where the person cannot rationally define them. The illusion of instability is accompanied by symptoms related to anxiety disorders.

The causes of dizziness

The main causes of vertigo include:

  1. Brain and labyrinth injuries, 
  2. Inflammation of the middle and inner ear, 
  3. Inflammation of the vestibular nerve, 
  4. Strokes in the back of the skull 
  5. Atherosclerotic encephalopathy, 
  6. Drug poisoning, 
  7. Neoplasms, 
  8. Epilepsy, 
  9. Migraine, 
  10. Sleep disturbance 
  11. Depression, 
  12. Familial vestibulopathy, 
  13. Arnold-Chiari syndrome, 
  14. hypoglycemia, 
  15. Heart arythmia, 
  16. Arterial hypotension, 
  17. Hypothyroidism.

Check if you should consult a doctor? Go through the initial medical interview yourself.

Dizziness and labyrinth disorders

Disorders of the labyrinth, or element of the inner ear, are one of the most common causes of vertigo, which is described as sudden and severe. They can appear both with eyes open and closed, regardless of the position held – sitting or lying down or suddenly standing up or sitting down.

Swaying, described as the removal of the ground from under the feet, also occurs frequently. In addition to dizziness, the patient with labyrinth disorders also has other symptoms, which include nystagmus, photophobia and tinnitus.

Vertigo and Meniere’s disease

Another condition that can make you feel very dizzy is Meniere’s disease, which develops in the inner ear. Over time, it can affect both ears, which is important when treating the patient.

In addition to severe dizziness, Meniere’s disease has sensorineural hearing loss, tinnitus, nausea, nystagmus, a feeling of distension in the ear, pale skin, and excessive sweating. Although the patient is not unconscious, there may be difficult attempts to contact him.

Dizziness and migraine

Dizziness has recently become associated with migraine. The medical term for turbulence is atrial migraine. Most often, dizziness is sudden. They lasted from a minute to an hour, and their frequency depends on the type of migraine. Such dizziness can also appear independently of other medical conditions.

  1. What is a migraine with aura?

Dizziness and presbiastasis

Presbiastasis, understood as multisensory vertigo, is often diagnosed in the elderly. In addition to severe dizziness, there may be balance and gait disturbances, as well as fear of falling. The main cause of presbiastasis is disturbed deep sensation.

What to do when we feel dizzy?

If we feel suddenly dizzy, the first thing we should do is sit down or (if we are unable to do so) hold on to the wall or door in a standing position so as not to fall.

Regardless of whether we are standing or sitting or lying down, we should choose a stationary object in space to focus our attention on. This makes it easier to wait for the symptoms to pass. However, if the dizziness persists, call the ambulance service and a loved one.

As an aid in dizziness, you can drink valerian root tea.

Vertigo diagnosis

The diagnosis of vertigo is largely dependent on the underlying condition causing the symptom. Most often, the first doctor to contact is the family doctor who, based on the interview conducted, will determine which specialist the patient should contact. This may be a neurologist or an ENT specialist who will order specialized tests, which include:

  1. Videonystagmographic examination (VNG) – eye movements are recorded using a video camera. The test is performed in various body positions, 
  2. Ultrasound of the carotid arteries, 
  3. electroencephalography, 
  4. Computed tomography, 
  5. Magnetic resonance imaging of the head. 

You can quickly make an MRI scan at a private MRI Diagnostics facility. Make an MRI appointment today.

What labyrinth examinations do we distinguish?

Treatment of vertigo

The main treatment of vertigo is the administration of reliever medication, which includes:

  1. Antihistamines (dimenhydrate, promethazine, anthazoline); 
  2. Betahistine; 
  3. Neuroleptics (promazine, sulpiride, metoclopramide, thiethylperazine); 
  4. Benzodiazepines and other axiolytics (diazepam, clonazepam, midazolam, lorazepam), 
  5. Calcium antagonists (cinnarizine, verapamil, mimodipine). 
Worth knowing

In addition to reliever medications, causal treatment is used after the diagnosis of the disease responsible for vertigo.

Kinesiotherapy in vertigo – what is it?

During the treatment of vertigo, kinesitherapy is used, which in practice means therapeutic gymnastics. While performing various exercises under the supervision of a physiotherapist, it can support the locomotor system.

Kinesitherapy is used not only in the treatment of diseases that manifest as dizziness, but also in Parkinson’s disease, in patients with stroke or with arterial hypertension.

Are there home remedies for dizziness?

If dizziness does not occur regularly, we can try to use the available home remedies.

One of the ingredients that we can find at home is ginger to regulate the pressure, which also helps to minimize vertigo, is ginger. It is enough to wipe it off and throw it into water, and then heat it up. It is also important to hydrate the body properly. For this purpose, you should drink at least 1,5 liters of water a day.

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