Diversify when breastfeeding longer

Diversify the diet of a breastfed baby from 4 months?

If you breastfeed, the World Health Organization (WHO) recommends that you maintain exclusive breastfeeding for up to 6 months because your milk contains all nutrients needed to the growth of the child (no need to add anything too early). Magic, its composition varies according to the nutritional needs of your infant: during the day (during a feed, it is enriched in fat as your breast empties, for example) as well as over the months, when baby grows. Breast milk is more digestible than first-age milk and offers immune protection to your child. In addition, depending on what you eat, Baby already discovers a range of different flavors with each feeding: sweet, salty, spicy … It therefore does not take any delay in terms of taste awakening. Later, at the time of real diversification and the intake of solid foods, his taste buds will have kept this memory, which will facilitate learning.

The only shortages that exclusive breastfeeding cannot meet are those of vitamin D (the deficit also concerns non-breastfed babies) and vitamin K1. Advice, plan a vitamin D supplementation of 800 to 1 IU / day until the 000 years of the child as well as a medicinal intake of vitamin K2 at a rate of 1 mg / week during the first 2 months.

When to start diversifying the diet of a breastfed baby?

Introduce a complementary diet between 5 and a half months and 6 months, depending on your curiosity. Indeed, even if the nutritional value of breast milk is indisputable, it ends up having its limits one day. It can no longer meet on its own all the nutritional and energy needs of your little one when he begins to exert himself because of his motor acquisitions. In addition, at this age, your toddler begins to hold his head better and straighten up, his teeth pierce, he chews, becomes curious about everything and is interested in what you have on your plate … He is therefore able to vary his food and you must accompany him in this culinary exploration.. But beware, it must remain synonymous with pleasure and sharing. Children are not all set like metronomes.

To each his own pace for diversification

Some will want from 5 months to taste the pear you feast on, others will still push back to 6 and a half months, see 7 months, everything you present to them outside your breast. Advice, take official recommendations for what they are: major nutritional principles serving as benchmarks to guide you but not to put pressure on you. We are not within a fortnight. If Baby begins to diversify at 7 months, no drama. On the other hand, if at 8 months old, you still feel that he is disinterested in thesolid food, consult for advice and make sure that he does not suffer from any particular pathology.

Are there risks in postponing dietary diversification later?

Many paediatricians point to the existence of a favorable period between 4 and 7 months so that the baby’s intestinal lining learns to “tolerate” different types of food. We know that certain foods, gluten for example, can increase the risk of allergies if they are introduced too early (before 4 months) or too late (beyond 6-7 months). In addition, when the child, growing up, is fed only milk, deficiencies of iron, zinc and vitamin A may appear, especially in the second year. There is also sometimes a deficiency in vitamin B6, or even vitamin B12, in babies whose mothers are exclusively vegans (diet without animal proteins). By maintaining breastfeeding while diversifying your child’s diet with meat, fish, vegetables and fats (butter, vegetable oil, cheese) from his 6 months, you will fill all of the his nutritional needs.

How should we introduce baby food?

It’s all about psychology and listening. At first, offer baby the breast first before offering anything else, milk will be his appetizer before tasting fresh mashed vegetables, or mixed meat or fish, depending on the taste experience of the moment. Diversification must be done gradually, one new food at a time and in small quantities. The introduction to fruit comes last, so as not to get your little one used to sweet too quickly before learning other tastes. Let him discover the flavors and textures without ever forcing him. Does he refuse this or that? Do not insist, but do not give up: you will try again later. Sometimes, it is after eight to ten attempts that he will start to appreciate the ham or carrots that he hated at first. If, really, it doesn’t work, don’t make a big deal out of it. He won’t let himself starve, your milk is always there to feed him. Food diversification must be synonymous with pleasure, conviviality and sharing.

What are the recommended rations for babies?

Between 6 and 8 months, the WHO recommends 2 to 3 tablespoons of porridge twice a day + 2 snacks on demand, maintaining frequent feedings. Then increase the rations regularly to reach 2/3 of a 250 ml cup at each meal. Between 9 and 11 months, offer Baby a half-bowl of 250 ml, 3 to 4 times a day + 1 or 2 snacks as needed + feedings. Food should be chopped or mashed. Between 12 and 23 months, same diet but in larger quantity: three quarters or a whole bowl of 250 ml at each feast in addition to feedings. Be careful, again, take these figures as an indication but do not obsess over them.. It is with babies as well as adults: some need a lot to eat to gain weight, others less. If your child eats little outside of feedings and you fear a deficiency, observe the color of the inside of his eyelids: if it is really red, Baby is fine; if it’s pale, he may have anemia. Consult your pediatrician.

What if Baby is on a breast strike?

This can happen, rarely more than a few days. Continue to offer your breast and in case of persistent refusal, express your milk to maintain the production.

Until what age can breastfeeding be continued after diversification?

You can breastfeed as long as you want, as long as you complete with a suitable solid diet. The only catch with long breastfeeding is keeping it “on demand”. When Baby grows up, he must learn to breastfeed “amicably”, that is, know how to be patient when you are not available. No, he can’t breastfeed when he wants to. You also have your requirements. You will work together while respecting each other’s needs as best as possible. Trust him to wean himself naturally, he will stop sucking when he feels it is the right time.

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