Discover the unknown face of mustard!
Discover the unknown face of mustard!Discover the unknown face of mustard!

Mustard is an invaluable spice in the fight against bacteria, which supports the digestion of fats, strengthens the functioning of the brain and the circulatory system. It effectively fights pain, and this feature is due to the presence of curcumin together with mustard.

Consuming the latter fights constipation, digestive irregularities, as well as gastritis or enteritis and indigestion. Supports the functioning of metabolism. Detoxifies the liver from drugs and heavy metals, thanks to sulfur. Just one tablespoon of mustard covers 1/5 of the selenium requirement during the day. However, it is not recommended for pregnant women, because according to some data, its consumption is associated with the possibility of uterine congestion and miscarriage. To fully enjoy the properties of mustard, reach for a jar with slightly ground mustard seeds.

On the other hand, curcumin is a pigment with antioxidant properties, which helps to prevent premature aging of the skin and reduce the risk of cancer. It prevents the growth of fungi, bacteria and inflammation. In 2009, one of the alternative medicine magazines published a report claiming that this spice can reduce the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome and enteritis.

Vinegar, on the other hand, improves the digestion of fats and carbohydrates, eliminates toxins, provides organic acids and nutrients.

Health bath

To relieve fungal infections and to support immunity or blood circulation, we should soak our feet in a bowl of hot water with a tablespoon of salt and mustard. After the procedure, be sure to put on warm socks on your feet.

Muscle and joint pains are no longer scary

Each of us is exposed to muscle and joint pain, especially those resulting from strains, inflammations, injuries or rheumatic diseases. The discomfort felt as a result of them will be relieved in the blink of an eye by a mass that is prepared with a tablespoon of honey and mustard and half a teaspoon of fine-grained salt. If the paste turns out to be too thick, thin it with a bit of water, which we cooled down after boiling. Before going to bed, the affected place should be smeared with the mass prepared in this way, and then wrapped with foil and a woolen shawl, thanks to which it will not lose any of its temperature.

Mustard is good for burns

Let’s cool the burnt place under a stream of water, and then cover it with a thick layer of mustard. It is important that it is freshly taken out of the refrigerator and not at room temperature beforehand. In this way, we will alleviate the burning sensation and pain.

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