Disabled children: the RASED user guide

Who are the masters of RASED?

All schools, nursery or primary, can call on this “network of specialized assistance for children in difficulty”, which is summarized by RASED. This network is run by teachers, from the same training as your child’s teacher, but who have followed a additional one-year training. In other words, they are experts in dyslexia, deciphering difficulties or “deviant” behaviors! Those flying teachers intervene in schools, for one or two hours a week, taking small groups of 3, 4 or 5 pupils, in order to make them work on very specific points. They only take care of it for a short period, generally one or two school terms. They are therefore not there to respond to a serious “handicap”.

Why is your child affected by RASED?

The teacher noticed in him a difficulty that she cannot resolve. It can be unmanageable behavior, or a delay in language, written or oral, which increases over the weeks. However, the teacher knows that prevention is better than cure. This is why, from the middle section, RASED is alerted, and so are you.

Why are you being notified so late?

The teacher first tried everything during the first trimester. But it is often also necessary to wait for the return of february holidays so that the follow-up starts, because the teachers of RASED are in great demand, and the personalized follow-up implies that a program be developed by the teaching team to stick as closely as possible to the needs of your child. What does not happen in the blink of an eye!

What is the difference with the school psychologist?

Le school psychologist meets the child at the very beginning to assess more precisely the nature of his difficulties. Then, of course, with a child who is aggressive, filthy, violent or too passive… whatever the master or the subject taught: the psychologist will no doubt continue to meet him all year round, until the situation calms down. But if the child is happy in general and “simply” hostile to school and learning in particular, then it will be up to RASED to intervene, with a specialized master who will try to unblock the situation.

RASED, a label for life?

Often, parents have the impression that having their child followed by the RASED means sticking the label “in difficulty” behind him, which will lead straight to the weakest classes. But you should know that teachers are required to policy and that this follow-up will not be mentioned in the school record book that accompanies the child throughout his schooling. In addition, nothing is done without the consent of the parents, whether a interview with the shrink or follow-up by RASED. From the child’s point of view, it is not easy either: he can live like being put aside to be taken out of his class while all his friends stay there. We must therefore take the time to explain to him that failure makes him unhappy and that he will benefit from a mistress for (almost) himself.

RASED: what if it doesn’t work?

The school is not a medical center: after a follow-up by the RASED, if the situation remains blocked, the teacher will refer you to a psychologist or a speech therapist, for long-term help.

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