Diet roller coaster: what you need to know about it

Is this type of nutrition something like steep turns of the attraction, after which it is named. It has its ups and downs in the diet, it is possible that the same variations will occur in your mood. Although this diet has a lot of fans, a definitely recommend. Let us analyze what the pros and cons of this diet.

The founder of the diet Martin Katan had based the body’s reaction to the amount of calories that enters the body with food. Such a permanent deception – a lot today, tomorrow a little, so your body is not used to a certain norm and he didn’t have the chance to accumulate weight and drop existing ones. Metabolism, according to this theory, should increase.

Dieting for 3 weeks you can lose from 7 to 9 pounds.

Scheme diet consists of a three-week cycle:

  • In the first 3 days your meals should not exceed 600 calories.
  • The next 4 day – 900. Calorie for the second week 1200 calories.
  • Third week again 600 and 900. Next, carefully reach your previous rate.

If we discard the theory of the founder of the diet, the mechanism of its work is more than clear: 600 calories – half the daily requirement, even 1200 for most people is very small. It is not surprising that the weight is lost. In the first place the water goes out, then muscle mass and only afterwards a small percentage of body fat. Another bad news – the level of metabolism, it reduces with low calorie diets.

Despite this for the diet “roller coaster” there are pluses. Nutrition includes a large amount of water, fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and fiber. And all this considerably improves work of the digestive tract and heart.

The reverse side of all low calorie diets is stress and lack of calories, the body begins to store fat in case of famine. And the weight loss is slower and heavier. Therefore, before deciding on a diet roller coaster, look at the pros and cons.

Muscle loss on a diet is not just the relief of your body. Suffers cardiac muscle, therefore, to resort to diet continuously is very dangerous for health and life. Before using a diet consult your doctor, and if the risk of excess weight to health is higher than the risk of the effects of diet, this roller coaster is perfect to give a head start for your future nutrition.

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