Diet for the apple shape type

The owners of “apple” figures do not have to suffer from lack of attention! They always easily stand out in the crowd due to their luxurious neckline and long slender legs that make men lose their heads and women go crazy with envy! But not many of them know that the figures resembling an apple have the other side of the coin …

So, for example, a poorly expressed waist against the background of slender, sometimes thin, arms is a sure sign that without proper nutrition and sports, the figure will more and more resemble a “ball on legs” day by day.

To avoid this catastrophe, Woman’s Day invites girls of “apple nature” to take a fresh look at their diet.

Like the “pear”, in the “apple” consumer basket there should be foods rich in fiber: poultry, as well as fish, grilled or steamed without adding fat and oil, dark lean meat, legumes, soy products, root vegetables, “long” carbohydrates for breakfast.

Snacks in the form of 1-2 cookies or sweets are not your option. Instead, fall in love with honey and berries in the summer. Of fruits, we advise you to give citrus fruits with special love, but it is better to exclude grapes, figs, bananas altogether.

Dairy products containing milk protein, which contributes to poor lymph drainage, are also prohibited.

Drink plenty of water (purified and still), green teas, and fruit teas.

Experiment with spices – cinnamon, pepper, ginger. In summer, herbal teas are relevant – on your next trip out of town, pick up your favorite fragrant oregano, mint, St. John’s wort, clover and, after drying, brew this “grandmother’s” bouquet for the beauty and health of your “apple figure”.

The type of figure “apple” is not a sentence, because even if you have one, you can make yourself a sexy slender woman!

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